ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • metrocluster configuration-settings show-status

    Display the configuration settings status for a MetroCluster setup

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The metrocluster configuration-settings show-status command displays the configuration settings status for nodes in a MetroCluster setup. If a DR group has not been created, then status for nodes in the local cluster only are displayed.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>,…​ parameter, the command displays only the fields that you specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed information about all entries.

    [-cluster-uuid <UUID>] - Cluster UUID

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed information about all nodes in the cluster matching the specified cluster-uuid.

    [-cluster <Cluster name>] - Cluster Name

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed information about all the nodes in the specified cluster.

    [-node <text>] - Node Name

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information for the matching nodes.

    [-configuration-status <text>] - Configuration Settings Status

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed information about all nodes with the specified configuration status.

    [-config-error-info <text>] - Configuration Error Information

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed information about all nodes with the specified configuration error information.


    The following example shows the display of MetroCluster setup status:

    Nodes do not have a valid platform-specific personality value (equivalent to HAOSC parameter on non-Apollo platforms) for a MetroCluster setup.
    clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------
       clusA                      A1                 not a MetroCluster setup
                                  A2                 not a MetroCluster setup
    2 entries were displayed.
    MetroCluster setup uses FC links rather than IP link:
    clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------
    clusA                      A1                 not applicable for FC and SAS
                               A2                 not applicable for FC and SAS
    2 entries were displayed.
    Output of the command when MetroCluster setup uses IP links and before `"metrocluster configuration-settings dr-group create"` command is run:
    clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------
    clusA                      A1                 ready for DR group create
                               A2                 ready for DR group create
    2 entries were displayed.
    Output of the command after `"metrocluster configuration-settings dr-group create"` command is run:
    clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------
                               A1                 ready for interface create
                               A2                 ready for interface create
                               B1                 ready for interface create
                               B2                 ready for interface create
    4 entries were displayed.
    Output of the command after `"metrocluster configuration-settings interface create"` command is run for every node:
    clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------
                               A1                 ready for next interface create
                               A2                 ready for connection connect
                               B1                 ready for connection connect
                               B2                 ready for connection connect
    4 entries were displayed.
    Output of the command after ` "metrocluster configuration-settings connection connect" ` command is run:
    usA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------
                               A1                 completed
                               A2                 completed
                               B1                 completed
                               B2                 completed
    4 entries were displayed.
    Output of the command after ` "metrocluster configuration-settings connection connect"` command is run and there are connection errors:
    clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings show-status
    Cluster                    Node               Configuration Settings Status
    -------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------
    clusA                      A1                 connection error
                               A2                 completed
    clusB                      B1                 connection error
                               B2                 completed
    4 entries were displayed.
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