ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • storage aggregate reallocation show

    Show reallocate job status for improving free space layout

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    Displays the status of a reallocation scan, including the state, schedule, aggregate and scan id. If you do not specify the id for a particular reallocation scan, the command displays information about all the existing reallocation scans.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    Displays the value of relevant field that you specify for the reallocation scans that are present.

    | [-v ]

    Specify this parameter to display the output in a verbose format.

    | [-instance ] }

    Displays information about reallocation scans on aggregates in a list format.

    [-id <integer>] - Job ID

    Specify this parameter to display the reallocation scan that matches the reallocation job ID that you specify.

    [-aggregate <aggregate name>] - Aggregate Name

    Specify this parameter to display the reallocation scan that matches the aggregate that you specify.

    [-description <text>] - Job Description

    Specify this parameter to display reallocation scans that match the text description that you specify.

    [-state {Initial|Queued|Running|Waiting|Pausing|Paused|Quitting|Success|Failure|Reschedule|Error|Quit|Dead|Unknown|Restart|Dormant}] - Job State

    Specify this parameter to display reallocation jobs that match the state that you specify.

    [-progress <text>] - Execution Progress

    Specify this parameter to list the running reallocation jobs whose progress indicator matches the text that you provide. For example, if you specify "Starting …​" as the text string for the progress option, then the system lists all the jobs that are starting.

    [-schedule <job_schedule>] - Schedule Name

    Specify this parameter to display reallocation scans that match the schedule name that you specify. If you want a list of all job schedules, use the job schedule show command.

    [-global-status <text>] - Global State of Scans

    Specify this parameter to indicate if reallocation scans are on or off globally. You must type either of the following text strings:

    • "Reallocation scans are on"

    • "Reallocation scans are off"


    cluster1::> storage aggregate reallocation show
    Job ID            Aggregate               Schedule                State
    ------            ---------               --------                -----
    23                aggr0                   reallocate_0 23 * 6     Queued

    Displays the job ID, aggregate, schedule, and state for the reallocation scans.

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