ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • storage aggregate show-scrub-status

    Display aggregate scrubbing status

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The storage aggregate show-scrub-status command displays the following information about the scrub status of aggregates:

    • Aggregate name

    • RAID groups

    • Whether the scrub is suspended

    • Percentage of the scrub that is completed

    • Last scrub time of the aggregate


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-aggregate <aggregate name>] - Aggregate

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed scrub-status information about the specified aggregate.

    [-raidgroup <text>] - RAID Group

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information only about the aggregate that contains the specified RAID group.

    [-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information only about the aggregates on the specified node. The value local specifies the current node.

    [-suspended {true|false}] - Is Suspended

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information only about the aggregates that have the specified scrub-suspension state (true or false).

    [-complete-percentage <percent>] - Percentage Completed

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information only about the aggregates whose scrubs have the specified completed percentage.

    [-last-scrub-time <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Last Scrub Time

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information only about the aggregates that have the specified last-scrub time, in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS .


    The following example displays scrub-status information for all the aggregates:

    cluster1::> storage aggregate show-scrub-status
    Aggregate RAID Groups         Suspended  Percentage Last Scrub Time
    --------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------------
    aggr0     /aggr0/plex0/rg0    true               0% 3/31/2011  21:23:02
    aggr1     /aggr1/plex0/rg1    true              45% 3/30/2011  01:05:00
    aggr2     /aggr2/plex0/rg0    true              33% 3/30/2011  23:43:34
    aggr3     /aggr3/plex0/rg1    true              79% 3/29/2011  00:34:36
    4 entries were displayed.

    The following example displays detailed information about the aggregate named aggr1:

    cluster1::> storage aggregate show-scrub-status -instance -aggregate aggr1
               Aggregate: aggr1
              RAID Group: /aggr1/plex0/rg0
            Is Suspended: false
    Percentage Completed: 2%
         Last Scrub Time: 3/31/2011 22:02:50
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