ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • system service-processor show

    Display the Service Processor information

    Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The system service-processor show command displays information about the Service Processor of each node in a cluster. You can limit output to specific types of information and specific nodes in the cluster, or filter output by specific field values.

    In case a node is offline or its Service Processor management daemon is down, the command displays the last known IP address of its Service Processor. Only the IP address is displayed in such cases.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-instance ] }

    If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

    [-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

    Selects information for the Service Processor of the specified node.

    [-type {SP|NONE|BMC}] - Type of Device

    Selects information for the Service Processors of the specified type.

    [-status {online|offline|sp-daemon-offline|node-offline|degraded|rebooting|unknown|updating}] - Status

    Selects information for the Service Processors whose status matches the specified value.

    [-ip-configured {true|false}] - Is Network Configured

    Selects information for the Service Processors whose network is configured (true ) or not configured (false ).

    [-address <IP Address>,…​] - Public IP Address

    Selects information for the Service Processors that use the specified IP address or addresses.

    [-mac <MAC Address>] - MAC Address

    Selects information for the Service Processors that use the specified MAC address.

    [-fw-version <text>] - Firmware Version

    Selects information for the Service Processors that are running the specified firmware version.

    [-part-num <text>] - Part Number

    Selects information for the Service Processors that have the specified part number.

    [-serial-num <text>] - Serial Number

    Selects information for the Service Processors that have the specified serial number.

    [-dev-rev <text>] - Device Revision

    Selects information for the Service Processors that have the specified device revision.

    [-autoupdate-enabled {true|false}] - Is Firmware Autoupdate Enabled

    Selects information for the Service Processors that have the specified status for firmware automatic update.


    The following example displays basic information for the Service Processors of all the nodes.

    cluster1::> system service-processor show
                                   IP           Firmware
    Node          Type Status      Configured   Version   IP Address
    ------------- ---- ----------- ------------ --------- -------------------------
    node1         SP   online      true         2.2X5
    node2         SP   online      true         2.2X5
    2 entries were displayed.

    The following example displays all available information for the Service Processors of all the nodes.

    cluster1::> system service-processor show -instance
    Node: node1
                         Type of Device: SP
                                 Status: online
                  Is Network Configured: true
                      Public IP Address:
                            MAC Address: ab:cd:ef:fe:ed:01
                       Firmware Version: 2.2X5
                            Part Number: Not Applicable
                          Serial Number: Not Applicable
                        Device Revision: Not Applicable
         Is Firmware Autoupdate Enabled: true
    Node: node2
                         Type of Device: SP
                                 Status: online
                  Is Network Configured: true
                      Public IP Address:
                            MAC Address: ab:cd:ef:fe:ed:02
                       Firmware Version: 2.2X5
                            Part Number: Not Applicable
                          Serial Number: Not Applicable
                        Device Revision: Not Applicable
         Is Firmware Autoupdate Enabled: true
    2 entries were displayed.

    The following example displays only the type, status and firmware version for the Service Processors of all the nodes.

    cluster1::> system service-processor show -fields type,status,fw-version
    node          type status fw-version
    ------------- ---- ------ ----------
    node1         SP   online 2.2X5
    node2         SP   online 2.2X5
    2 entries were displayed.
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