ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • volume efficiency policy show

    Show efficiency policies

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The volume efficiency policy show command displays information about efficiency policies. By default, the command displays the following information about all policies:

    • Vserver: Name of the Vserver that the policy belongs to.

    • Policy Name: Efficiency policy name.

    • Job Schedule: Job schedule name.

    • Duration (Hours): The duration in hours that the efficiency operation can run.

    • Enable: Whether the policy is enabled or not.

    • Comment: User specified comment.

    You can specify additional parameters to select the displayed information. For example, to display efficiency policies only with duration 5 hours, run the command with the -duration 5 parameter.

    The pre-defined policies default and inline-only are available when all the nodes in the cluster are running Data ONTAP version 8.3 or later.

    The inline-only pre-defined policy must be used when the user wants to use the inline compression feature without any regularly scheduled or manually started background storage efficiency operations. When a volume is configured to use the inline-only efficiency policy, the system will stop monitoring changes to the data for running the background efficiency operations on the volume. Volumes cannot be configured with the inline-only policy if there is a currently active background efficiency operation.


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    Selects the fields to be displayed. Vserver and policy are the default fields (see example).

    | [-instance ] }

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about all entries.

    [-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified Vserver.

    [-policy <text>] - Efficiency Policy Name

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified policy name.

    [-type {threshold|scheduled}] - Policy Type

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified policy type. There are two possible values - threshold and scheduled .

    [-schedule <text>] - Job Schedule Name

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified schedule.

    [-duration <text>] - Duration

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified duration hours.

    [-start-threshold-percent <percent>] - Threshold Percentage

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified start-threshold-percent. Valid only if -type parameter is set as threshold .

    [-qos-policy {background|best_effort}] - QoS Policy

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified throttling method. The values can be background or best-effort .

    [-enabled {true|false}] - Enabled

    Selects information about the policies that have the specified enabled setting.

    [-comment <text>] - Comment

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified comment.

    [-policy-owner {cluster-admin|vserver-admin}] - Owner of the Policy

    Selects information about the policies that match the specified owner. The values can be cluster-admin or vserver-admin .


    The following example shows all the efficiency policies with the matching Vserver vs1.

    cluster1::> volume efficiency policy show -vserver vs1
             Policy       Job        Duration
    Vserver  Name         Schedule   (Hours)  QoS Policy  Enabled  Comment
    -------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------- -------- --------------
    vs1      default      daily      -        best_effort true     Default policy
    vs1      inline-only  -          -        -           -        Inline-Only
    vs1      policy1      daily      -        best_effort true     user-defined
    3 entries were displayed.

    The following example shows all the policies with the following fields - Vserver (default), policy (default) and duration.

    cluster1::> volume efficiency policy show -fields duration
    vserver policy      duration
    ------- -------     --------
    vs1     default     -
    vs1     inline-only -
    vs1     policy1     -
    3 entries were displayed.
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