ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • vserver services name-service unix-group load-from-uri

    Load one or more local UNIX groups from a URI

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The vserver services name-service unix-group load-from-uri command loads UNIX groups from a universal resource identifier (URI). The URI must contain group information in the UNIX /etc/group format:

    group_name :password :group_ID :comma_separated_list_of_users

    The command discards the value of the password field.


    -vserver <vserver> - Vserver

    Use this parameter to specify the Vserver on which to locate the local UNIX groups.

    -uri {(ftp|http|https)://(hostname|IPv4 Address|'['IPv6 Address']')…​} - URI to Load From

    Use this parameter to specify the URI from which the command loads group information. The URI scheme must be either ftp(s) or http(s)

    [-overwrite {true|false}] - Overwrite Entries

    Use this parameter with the value true to specify that group information loaded from the URI should overwrite existing group information. The default value is false , specifying that group information loaded from the URI should not overwrite existing group information.

    [-skip-name-validation {true|false}] - Skip Name Validation

    By default, Data ONTAP validates the name to ensure it complies with the following rules:

    • The name contains only valid characters: 0 through 9, A through Z, a through z, "_", ".", and "-"

    • The name does not start with "-"

    • The name does not contain "$" except as the last character

    If the parameter is set to true , the name validation is skipped.

    [-foreground {true|false}] - Load Unix Groups file in the Foreground

    If this parameter is set to false , the operation runs as a job in the background. Otherwise, the command does not return until the operation is complete. The default value is true .


    The following example loads group information from the URI ftp://ftp.example.com/groups onto a Vserver named vs0:

    cluster1::> vserver services name-service unix-group load-from-uri -vserver vs0 -uri ftp://ftp.example.com/groups
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