ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • vserver nvme namespace create

    Create an NVMe namespace

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The vserver nvme namespace create command creates a new NVMe namespace of a specific size. You must create NVMe namespaces at the root of a volume or qtree.

    When you create an NVMe namespace, it is non-space reserved.

    This command is not supported for FlexGroups or Vservers with Infinite Volumes.


    -vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

    Specifies the Vserver.

    -path <path> - Namespace Path

    Specifies the path of the NVMe namespace. Examples of correct NVMe namespace paths are /vol/vol1/ns1 and /vol/vol1/qtree1/ns1 .

    -size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]} - Size

    Specifies the size of the NVMe namespace in bytes. You can specify a multiplier suffix:

    • KB (1024 bytes)

    • MB (KB*KB bytes)

    • GB (KB*MB bytes)

    • TB (MB*MB bytes)

    -ostype {aix|linux|vmware|windows} - OS Type

    Specifies the operating system type of the NVMe namespace. The OS types are:

    • aix - the NVMe namespace stores AIX file system data.

    • linux - the NVMe namespace stores Linux file system data.

    • vmware - the NVMe namespace stores VMware file system data.

    • windows - the NVMe namespace stores Windows file system data.

    [-comment <text>] - Comment

    Contains a textual description of the NVMe namespace.

    [-block-size {512|4KB}] - Block Size

    Specifies the block size of the NVMe namespace in bytes. Valid block sizes are

    • 512 (in Data ONTAP 9.6 and later)

    • 4096


    cluster1::*> vserver nvme namespace create -vserver vs_1 -path /vol/nsvol/namespace1 -size 100g -ostype linux

    Creates an NVMe namespace at path /vol/ns/vol/namespace1 on Vserver vs_1 .

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