ONTAP 9.12.1 commands

  • ONTAP 9.12.1 commands(CA08871-263en.pdf)
  • volume rebalance show

    Display a list of volume capacity rebalancing operations on FlexGroup volumes

    Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


    The volume rebalance show command displays information about volume capacity rebalancing operations on FlexGroup volumes.

    The volume rebalance show command is only supported on FlexGroup volumes and constituents. The command displays rebalancing information for volumes. The command output depends on the parameter or parameters specified with the command. If no parameters are specified, the command displays the following information about all volumes:

    • Vserver name

    • Volume name

    • Rebalancing state

    • Total size

    • Used size for calculating imbalance

    • Size used by Snapshot copies

    • Target used size

    • Imbalance size

    • Imbalance percent

    To display detailed rebalancing information about each FlexGroup volume or constituent, run the command with the -instance parameter. The detailed view provides the following information for FlexGroup volumes:

    • Vserver name

    • Volume name

    • Is constituent

    • Rebalance state

    • Total size

    • Used size for calculating imbalance

    • Size used by Snapshot copies

    • Imbalance size

    • Imbalance percentage

    • Maximum constituent imbalance percentage

    • Rebalance start time

    • Rebalance stop time

    • Rebalance runtime

    • Rebalance maximum runtime

    • Maximum imbalance threshold per constituent

    • Minimum imbalance threshold per constituent

    • Maximum files moved per constituent

    • Minimum file size

    • Exclude files stuck in snapshot copies

    • Rebalance notice messages

    The detailed view provides the following information for FlexGroup constituents:

    • Vserver name

    • Volume name

    • Is constituent

    • Rebalance state

    • Total size

    • Used size for calculating imbalance

    • Size used by Snapshot copies

    • Constituent target used size

    • Imbalance size

    • Imbalance percentage

    • Moved data size

    • Rebalance start time

    • Rebalance stop time

    • Rebalance runtime

    • Rebalance maximum runtime

    • Rebalance maximum runtime

    • Maximum imbalance threshold per constituent

    • Minimum imbalance threshold per constituent

    • Maximum files moved per constituent

    • Minimum file size

    • Exclude files stuck in snapshot copies

    You can specify parameters from the above list to display information. For example, to display information only about currently running rebalancing operations, run the command with the -state rebalancing parameter


    { [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

    If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

    | [-config ]

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays the following information:

    • max-runtime

    • max-threshold

    • min-threshold

    • max-file-moves

    • min-file-size

    • exclude-snapshots

    | [-time ]

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays the following information:

    • start-time

    • runtime

    • max-runtime

    | [-instance ] }

    If this parameter is specified, the command displays the additional detailed information described above.

    [-vserver <vserver name>] - Vserver Name

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations on FlexGroup volumes in the specified Vserver.

    [-volume <volume name>] - Volume Name

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations on the specified FlexGroup volume.

    [-is-constituent {true|false}] - Is Constituent

    If specified, the command displays information about volume capacity rebalancing operations on constituents.

    [-state {idle|starting|rebalancing|rebalancing-source|rebalancing-dest|scanning|stopping|paused|not-running|unknown}] - Rebalance State

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified state. While a FlexGroup volume is rebalancing, every constituent will have a rebalancing engine that can either be scanning the filesystem for space usage and files to move, actively moving files or temporarily doing neither. If one or more constituents has a state of rebalancing-source or rebalancing-dest , then files are being moved to rebalance the FlexGroup. If no files are being moved, more information about what the rebalancing engine is doing for each constituent is available using the (privilege: advanced) volume rebalance show -instance command. The following values apply to FlexGroup volumes.

    • not-running - Capacity rebalancing is not running on the volume. This will only change when the user explicitly starts rebalancing.

    • idle - Capacity rebalancing is running, however, no active scanning or file movement is currently happening.

    • starting - The capacity rebalancing operation is starting on the volume.

    • rebalancing - Volume capacity rebalancing is running on the volume.

    • paused - The capacity rebalancing operation is paused on the volume.

    • stopping - The capacity rebalancing operation is stopping on the volume.

    • unknown - The system was unable to determine the rebalancing state for the volume.

    [-notices <text>,…​] - Rebalance Notice Messages

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified notice messages.

    [-total {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Total Size

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified total size.

    [-used-for-imbalance {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Used Size for Calculating Imbalance

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified used size for calculating imbalance. This is calculated by subtracting the size used by Snapshot copies, the size of files pending deletion and the size used by filesystem metadata from the volume’s used size.

    [-size-used-by-snapshots {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Volume Size Used by Snapshot Copies

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified volume size used by Snapshot copies.

    [-target-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Constituent Target Used Size

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified target used size on a constituent. Represents the average used size among all constituents.

    [-imbalance-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Imbalance Size

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified imbalance size.

    [-imbalance-percent <percent_no_limit_signed>] - Imbalance Percentage

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified imbalance percentage.

    [-data-moved {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Moved Data Size

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified moved data size.

    [-max-constituent-imbalance-percent <percent_no_limit>] - Maximum Constituent Imbalance Percentage

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified maximum constituent imbalance percentage. Represents the imbalance percentage of the constituent most out of balance.

    [-start-time <Date>] - Rebalance Start Time

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified start time.

    [-stop-time <Date>] - Rebalance Stop Time

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified stop time.

    [-runtime <time_interval>] - Rebalance Runtime

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified run time.

    [-max-runtime <time_interval>] - Rebalance Maximum Runtime

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified maximum run time. Represents the maximum amount of time a rebalancing operation can run for before stopping.

    [-max-threshold <percent>] - Maximum Imbalance Threshold per Constituent

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified maximum threshold. Represents the acceptable imbalance threshold beyond which rebalancing should be started on that constituent in the FlexGroup volume.

    [-min-threshold <percent>] - Minimum Imbalance Threshold per Constituent

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified minimum threshold. Represents the minimum imbalance threshold at which rebalancing is stopped for the constituent in the FlexGroup volume.

    [-max-file-moves <integer>] - Maximum Concurrent File Moves per Constituent

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified maximum concurrent file moves. Represents the maximum number of concurrent file moves allowed per constituent.

    [-min-file-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Minimum File Size

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified minimum file size. Represents the minimum size of file to be considered for rebalancing a constituent in a FlexGroup volume.

    [-exclude-snapshots {true|false}] - Exclude Files Stuck in Snapshot Copies

    Selects information about volume capacity rebalancing operations with the specified excluding snapshot flag. Represents whether or not files that are in Snapshot copies as candidates for rebalancing are ignored.


    The following example displays rebalancing information about all FlexGroup volumes on Vserver "vs0":

    cluster::> volume rebalance show -vserver vs0
    Vserver: vs0
                                                            AFS   Target      Imbalance
            Volume       State                  Total      Used     Used       Size     %
            ------------ ------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
            fg1          rebalancing            400MB   117.7MB         -     176KB    0%
            fg2          not-running            800MB   115.0MB         -       8KB    0%
            2 entries were displayed.

    The following example displays rebalancing information about all FlexGroup constituents on Vserver "vs0":

    cluster::> volume rebalance show -vserver vs0 -is-constituent True
    Vserver: vs0
                                                            AFS    Target      Imbalance
            Volume       State                  Total      Used     Used       Size     %
            ------------ ------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
            fg1__0001    idle                   200MB   59.03MB   58.86MB     176KB    0%
            fg1__0002    idle                   200MB   58.69MB   58.86MB    -172KB    0%
            fg2__0001    not-running            200MB   28.77MB   28.76MB       4KB    0%
            fg2__0002    not-running            200MB   28.76MB   28.76MB      -4KB    0%
            fg2__0003    not-running            200MB   28.77MB   28.76MB       4KB    0%
            fg2__0004    not-running            200MB   28.76MB   28.76MB      -4KB    0%
            6 entries were displayed.

    The following example displays detailed rebalancing information about a specific FlexGroup volume "fg1" on Vserver "vs0":

    cluster::> volume rebalance show -vserver vs0 -volume fg1 -instance
    Vserver Name: vs0
                                            Volume Name: fg1
                                         Is Constituent: false
                                        Rebalance State: not-running
                              Rebalance Notice Messages: -
                                             Total Size: 400MB
                                Projected AFS Used Size: 117.7MB
                    Volume Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 10.57MB
                           Constituent Target Used Size: -
                                         Imbalance Size: 176KB
                                   Imbalance Percentage: 0%
                                        Moved Data Size: -
               Maximum Constituent Imbalance Percentage: 0%
                                   Rebalance Start Time: Fri Mar 25 17:26:09 2022
                                    Rebalance Stop Time: Fri Mar 25 17:29:29 2022
                                      Rebalance Runtime: 0h3m20s
                              Rebalance Maximum Runtime: 0h3m20s
            Maximum Imbalance Threshold per Constituent: 20%
            Minimum Imbalance Threshold per Constituent: 5%
          Maximum Concurrent File Moves per Constituent: 25
                                      Minimum File Size: 4KB
                 Exclude Files Stuck in Snapshot Copies: true

    The following example displays detailed rebalancing information about a specific FlexGroup constituent "fg1__0001" on Vserver "vs0":

    cluster::> volume rebalance show -vserver vs0 -volume fg1__0001 -instance -is-constituent True
    Vserver Name: vs0
                                            Volume Name: fg1__0001
                                         Is Constituent: true
                                        Rebalance State: not-running
                              Rebalance Notice Messages: -
                                             Total Size: 200MB
                                Projected AFS Used Size: 59.04MB
                    Volume Size Used by Snapshot Copies: 5.46MB
                           Constituent Target Used Size: 58.86MB
                                         Imbalance Size: 176KB
                                   Imbalance Percentage: 0%
                                        Moved Data Size: 0B
               Maximum Constituent Imbalance Percentage: -
                                   Rebalance Start Time: Fri Mar 25 17:26:09 2022
                                    Rebalance Stop Time: Fri Mar 25 17:29:29 2022
                                      Rebalance Runtime: 0h3m20s
                              Rebalance Maximum Runtime: 0h3m20s
            Maximum Imbalance Threshold per Constituent: 20%
            Minimum Imbalance Threshold per Constituent: 5%
          Maximum Concurrent File Moves per Constituent: 25
                                      Minimum File Size: 4KB
                 Exclude Files Stuck in Snapshot Copies: true
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