SANtricity 11.8 Commands ( CA08871-194 ~ 196 )

Set tray service action allowed indicator

The set tray serviceAllowedIndicator command turns on or turns off the Service Action Allowed indicator light on a power-fan canister, an interconnect-battery canister, or an environmental services module (ESM) canister.

Supported Series

This command applies to any individual storage system, including the HB1100/HB1200, HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100 and AB3100 series, as long as all SMcli packages are installed.


To execute this command on an HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100, or AB3100 storage system, you must have the Storage Admin or Support Admin role.


If the storage system does not support the Service Action Allowed indicator light feature, this command returns an error. If the storage system supports the command but is unable to turn on or turn off the indicator light, this command returns an error.

To turn on or turn off the Service Action Allowed indicator light on the controller canister, use the set controller serviceAllowedIndicator command.


set tray [trayID]
(powerFan [(left | right | top | bottom)] |
interconnect |
esm [(left | right | top | bottom)]) |
battery [(left | right)] |
fanCanister [(left | right)]  |
powerCanister [(top | bottom)] |
serviceAllowedIndicator=(on | off)


Parameter Description


The tray where the power-fan canister, the interconnect canister, the ESM canister, or the battery canister resides. Tray ID values are 0 to 99. Enclose the tray ID value in square brackets ([ ]). If you do not enter a tray ID value, the tray ID of the controller tray is the default value.


The Service Action Allowed indicator light on the power-fan canister that you want to turn on or turn off. Valid power-fan canister identifiers are left, right, top, or bottom. Enclose the power-fan canister identifier in square brackets ([ ]).


The Service Action Allowed indicator light for the interconnect-battery canister.


The Service Action Allowed indicator light for an ESM canister. Valid ESM canister identifiers are left, right, top, or bottom.


The Service Action Allowed indicator light for a battery. Valid battery identifiers are left or right.


The Service Action Allowed indicator light for a fan canister. Valid fan canister identifiers are left or right.


The Service Action Allowed indicator light for a power canister. Valid power canister identifiers are top or bottom.


The setting to turn on or turn off the Service Action Allowed indicator light. To turn on the Service Action Allowed indicator light, set this parameter to on. To turn off the Service Action Allowed indicator light, set this parameter to off.


This command was originally defined for use with the CE6998 controller tray. This command is not supported by controller trays that were shipped before the introduction of the CE6998 controller tray.


This command turns on the Service Action Allowed indicator light for the left ESM in tray 5 with the IP address of

SMcli -c "set tray [5]
ESM [left] serviceAllowedIndicator=on;"
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