SANtricity 11.8 Commands ( CA08871-194 ~ 196 )

Configure syslog settings

The set syslog command configures the syslog alert information. You can configure the event monitor to send alerts to the syslog server whenever an alertable event occurs.

Supported Series

This command applies to an individual HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100 or AB3100 storage system.


To execute this command on an HB1100/1200, HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100, or AB3100 storage system, you must have the Storage Admin role.


  • The syslog server address must be available. This address can be a fully qualified domain name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address.

  • The UDP port number of the syslog server must be available. This port is typically 514.


set syslog [defaultFacility=facilityNumber]
| [defaultTag=defaultTag]
| [syslogFormat=rfc3164|rfc5424]
| (serverAddresses=(serverAddress:portNumber ... serverAddress:portNumber)
| addServerAddresses=(serverAddress:portNumber ... serverAddress:portNumber))


Parameter Description


Optional. Allows you to specify the default facility number. The default facility must be a numerical value between 0 and 23.


Optional. Allows you to specify the default tag. Enclose string in quotes.


The messaging format used for the syslog messages. The value may be one of the following:

  • rfc3164 - RFC 3164 compliant format

  • rfc5424 - RFC 5424 compliant format


Allows you to set one or more syslog server addresses with associated port numbers. Using this set option will clear out existing server addresses. A syslog server address can be a fully qualified domain name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address. The UDP Port must be a numerical value between 0 and 65535. Typically, the UDP Port for syslog is 514. Enclose all the addresses in parentheses. If you enter more than one address, then separate them with a space.


Allows you to add one or more syslog server addresses with associated port numbers. Using this set option will not clear out existing server addresses. A syslog server address can be a fully qualified domain name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address. The UDP Port must be a numerical value between 0 and 65535. Typically, the UDP Port for syslog is 514. Enclose all the addresses in parentheses. If you enter more than one address, then separate them with a space.


SMcli -n Array1 -c "set syslog serverAddresses=("");"

SMcli -n Array1 -c "set syslog addServerAddresses=(""

SMcli completed successfully.

Minimum firmware level

11.70.1 added the syslogFormat parameter to specify the Syslog message format.

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