SANtricity 11.8 Commands ( CA08871-194 ~ 196 )
Get started
Command formatting
CLI structure
Script command structure
Commands by category
Commands A-Z
activate asynchronous mirroring
activate storagearray firmware
activate synchronous mirroring
change ssd cache application type
check asyncmirrorgroup repositoryconsistency
check storagearray connectivity
clear emailalert configuration
clear storagearray configuration
clear storagearray firmwarependingarea
clear storagearray recoverymode
clear volume unreadablesectors
create cgsnapimage consistencygroup
create raid volume automatic drive select
create raid volume free extent based select
create raid volume manual drive select
create read only snapshot volume
create storagearray directoryserver
deactivate storagearray feature
delete cgsnapimage consistencygroup
delete controller cacertificate
delete storagearray directoryservers
delete storagearray keymanagementcertificate
delete storagearray loginbanner
delete storagearray trustedcertificate
diagnose controller iscsihostport
disable storagearray externalkeymanagement file
download controller arraymanagementservercertificate
download controller cacertificate
download controller trustedcertificate
download storagearray drivefirmware file
download storagearray firmware
download storagearray keymanagementcertificate
enable controller datatransfer
enable or disable autosupport individual arrays
enable storagearray externalkeymanagement file
recreate storagearray mirrorrepository
recreate storagearray securitykey
remove member volume from consistency group
remove storagearray directoryserver
remove volume asyncmirrorgroup
replace drive replacementdrive
reset controller arraymanagementsignedcertificate
reset storagearray arvmstats asyncmirrorgroup
reset storagearray autosupport schedule
reset storagearray diagnosticdata
reset storagearray hostportstatisticsbaseline
reset storagearray ibstatsbaseline
reset storagearray iscsistatsbaseline
reset storagearray iserstatsbaseline
reset storagearray rlsbaseline
reset storagearray sasphybaseline
reset storagearray socbaseline
save ...
save check volume parity job parity errors
save controller arraymanagementcsr
save controller arraymanagementsignedcertificate
save drivechannel faultdiagnostics file
save storage system diagnostic data
save storagearray arvmstats asyncmirrorgroup
save storagearray autoloadbalancestatistics file
save storagearray autosupport log
save storagearray configuration
save storagearray controllerhealthimage
save storagearray dbmvalidatorinfo
save storagearray firmwareinventory
save storagearray hostportstatistics
save storagearray iscsistatistics
save storagearray iserstatistics
save storagearray keymanagementcertificate
save storagearray keymanagementclientcsr
save storagearray performancestats
save storagearray sasphycounts
save storagearray statecapture
set ...
set autosupport https delivery method
set consistency group attributes
set consistencygroup addcgmembervolume
set controller service action allowed indicator
set disk pool modify disk pool
set drive serviceallowedindicator
set email smtp delivery method
set snapgroup increase decreaserepositorycapacity
set snapgroup mediascanenabled
set snapvolume converttoreadwrite
set snapvolume increase decreaserepositorycapacity
set snapvolume mediascanenabled
set snmptrapdestination trapreceiverip
set storagearray autoloadbalancingenable
set storagearray autosupport schedule
set storagearray autosupportmaintenancewindow
set storagearray autosupportondemand
set storagearray autosupportremotediag
set storagearray cachemirrordataassurancecheckenable
set storagearray controllerhealthimageallowoverwrite
set storagearray directoryserver roles
set storagearray directoryserver
set storagearray externalkeymanagement
set storagearray hostconnectivityreporting
set storagearray icmppingresponse
set storagearray isnsipv4configurationmethod
set storagearray isnsipv6address
set storagearray isnslisteningport
set storagearray isnsregistration
set storagearray isnsserverrefresh
set storagearray learncycledate controller
set storagearray localusername
set storagearray managementinterface
set storagearray passwordlength
set storagearray pqvalidateonreconstruct
set storagearray redundancymode
set storagearray resourceprovisionedvolumes
set storagearray revocationchecksettings
set storagearray traypositions
set storagearray unnameddiscoverysession
set tray serviceallowedindicator
show ...
show alldrives downloadprogress
show alldrives performancestats
show asyncmirrorgroup synchronizationprogress
show controller arraymanagementsignedcertificate summary
show controller diagnostic status
show storagearray autoconfiguration
show storagearray cachemirrordataassurancecheckenable
show storagearray controllerhealthimage
show storagearray directoryservices summary
show storagearray hostconnectivityreporting
show storagearray hosttopology
show storagearray iscsinegotiationdefaults
show storagearray revocationchecksettings
show storagearray trustedcertificate summary
show storagearray unconfiguredinitiators
show storagearray unconfigurediscsiinitiators
show storagearray unreadablesectors
show syncmirror synchronizationprogress
show volumecopy source targetcandidates
show volumecopy sourcecandidates
show volumegroup exportdependencies
start ...
start asyncmirrorgroup synchronize
start controller iscsihostport dhcprefresh
start diskpool fullprovisioning
start diskpool resourceprovisioning
start drivechannel faultdiagnostics
start increasevolumecapacity volume
start ssdcache performancemodeling
start storagearray autosupport deliverytest
start storagearray autosupport manualdispatch
start storagearray configdbdiagnostic
start storagearray controllerhealthimage controller
start storagearray directoryservices test
start storagearray externalkeymanagement test
start storagearray isnsserverrefresh
start storagearray ocspresponderurl test
start storagearray syslog test
start syncmirror primary synchronize
Set SSD cache for a volume
The set volume ssdCacheEnabled
command turns on or off caching using the SSD cache feature for a specific volume.
Supported Series
This command applies to any individual storage system, including the HB1100/HB1200, HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100 and AB3100 series, as long as all SMcli packages are installed.
To execute this command on an HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100 or AB3100 storage system, you must have the Support Admin role.
The volume can be one of these:
Standard volume, identified by either a name or a WWID
Snapshot volume
Consistency group snapshot volume
Syntax applicable to a standard volume
set volume ([volumeName] | <"WWID">) ssdCacheEnabled=(TRUE | FALSE)
Syntax applicable to a snapshot volume
set snapVolume ["snapVolumeName"] ssdCacheEnabled=(TRUE | FALSE)
Syntax applicable to a consistency group snapshot volume
set cgSnapVolume ["cgSnapVolumeName"] ssdCacheEnabled=(TRUE | FALSE)
Parameter | Description |
The name of the standard volume for which you want to turn on or turn off the SSD cache. Enclose the name of the volume in square brackets ([ ]). If the name of the volume has special characters or numbers, you must enclose the name of the volume in double quotation marks (" ") inside of square brackets ([ ]). |
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the standard volume for which you want to turn on or turn off the SSD cache. Enclose the WWID in double quotation marks (" ") inside angle brackets (< >). |
The name of the snapshot volume for which you want to turn on or turn off the SSD cache. Enclose the name of snapshot volume in double quotation marks (" ") inside of square brackets ([ ]). |
The name of the consistency group snapshot volume for which you want to turn on or turn off the SSD cache. Enclose the name of the consistency group snapshot volume in double quotation marks (" ") inside of square brackets ([ ]). |
To turn on SSD cache, set this parameter to |
You can turn the SSD cache on or off for only one volume at a time.
When you turn off SSD cache for a volume, the SSD cache for that volume is purged.
Minimum firmware level
11.80 adds AB6100 and AB3100 system support