SANtricity 11.8 Commands ( CA08871-194 ~ 196 )

Show storage Array

The show storageArray command returns configuration information about the storage system.

Supported Series

This command applies to any individual storage system, including the HB1100/HB1200, HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100 and AB3100 series, as long as all SMcli packages are installed.


To execute this command on an HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100, or AB3100 storage system, you must have the Storage Admin or Storage Monitor role.


The parameters return lists of values for the components and features in the storage system. You can enter the command with a single parameter or more than one parameter. If you enter the command without any parameters, the entire storage system profile is shown (which is the same information as if you entered the profile parameter).


show storageArray
[autoSupport| autoSupportConfig | profile |
batteryAge | connections | defaultHostType | healthStatus |
hostTypeTable | hotSpareCoverage | features | time |
volumeDistribution | longRunningOperations | summary | preferredVolumeOwners |
iscsiNegotiationDefaults | unconfiguredIscsiInitiators | autoLoadBalancingEnable |
cacheMirrorDataAssuranceCheckEnable | hostConnectivityReporting]


Parameter Description


The parameter to return the enablement status of the Automatic Load Balancing feature.

When the Automatic Load Balancing feature is enabled, the Host Connectivity Reporting feature will also be enabled.


This parameter is only valid for HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 storage systems running with an https client type. For HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 storage systems running with a client type, use the autoSupportConfig parameter.


The parameter to return information about the current state of the operation to automatically collect support data. The following information is returned:

  • Whether the operation is enabled or disabled

  • The location of the folder where the support data file is located

This parameter is only valid for HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 storage systems running with a symbol client type. For HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 storage systems running with an https client type, use the autoSupport parameter.


The parameter to show the status, the age of the battery in days, and the number of days until the battery needs to be replaced. The information for both batteries is shown.


The parameter to returns the enablement status of the cache mirror data assurance feature.


The parameter to show a list of where the drive channel ports are located and where the drive channels are connected.


The parameter to show the default host type and the host type index.


The parameter to show the feature configuration of the storage system.


The parameter to show the health, logical properties, and physical component properties of the storage system.


The parameter to return the enablement status of the host connectivity reporting feature.


The parameter to show a table of all of the host types that are known to the controller. Each row in the table shows a host type index and the platform that the host type index represents.


The parameter to show information about which volumes of the storage system have hot spare coverage and which volumes do not.


The parameter to return information about connection-level settings that are subject to initiator-target negotiation.


The parameter to show the long running operations for each volume group and each volume in the storage system.

The longRunningOperation parameter returns this information:

  • Name of the volume group or volume

  • Long running operation

  • Status

  • % complete

  • Time left


The parameter to show the preferred controller owner for each volume in the storage system.


The parameter to show all of the properties of the logical components and the physical components that comprise the storage system. The information appears in several screens.

The profile parameter returns detailed information about the storage system. The information covers several screens on a display. You might need to increase the size of your display buffer to see all the information. Because this information is so detailed, you might want to save the output of this parameter to a file.

Use the following command to save the profile output to a file:

c:\...\smX\client>smcli -c "show storagearray profile;"
-o "c:\folder\storagearray


The parameter to show a concise list of information about the storage system configuration.


The parameter to show the current time to which both controllers in the storage system are set.


The parameter to return a list of initiators that have been detected by the storage system but are not yet configured into the storage system topology.


The parameter to show the current controller owner for each volume in the storage system.


The profile parameter shows detailed information about the storage system. The information appears on several screens on a display monitor. You might need to increase the size of your display buffer to see all of the information. Because this information is so detailed, you might want to save the output of this parameter to a file. To save the output to a file, run the show storageArray command that looks like this example.

-c "show storageArray profile;" -o "c:\\folder\\storageArrayProfile.txt"

The previous command syntax is for a host that is running a Windows operating system. The actual syntax varies depending on your operating system.

When you save information to a file, you can use the information as a record of your configuration and as an aid during recovery.

While the storage system profile returns a large amount of data that is all clearly labeled, what’s new in the 8.41 release is the additional wear life reporting information for SSD drives in HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 storage systems. While previously the wear life reporting included information on average erase count and spare blocks remaining, it now includes the percent endurance used. The percent endurance used is the amount of data written to the SSD drives to date divided by the total theoretical write limit for the drives.

The batteryAge parameter returns information in this form.

Battery status: Optimal
    Age: 1 day(s)
    Days until replacement: 718 day(s)

The newer controller trays do not support the batteryAge parameter.

The defaultHostType parameter returns information in this form.

Default host type: Linux (Host type index 6)

The healthStatus parameter returns information in this form.

Storage system health status = optimal.

The hostTypeTable parameter returns information in this form.

AIX MPIO                          Disabled          9
AVT_4M                            Enabled           5
Factory Default                   Disabled          0
HP-UX                             Enabled           15
Linux (ATTO)                      Enabled           24
Linux (DM-MP)                     Disabled          6
Linux (Pathmanager)               Enabled           25
Mac OS                            Enabled           22
ONTAP                             Disabled          4
SVC                               Enabled           18
Solaris (v11 or Later)            Enabled           17
Solaris (version 10 or earlier)   Disabled          2
VMWare                            Enabled           10 (Default)
Windows                           Enabled           1

The hotSpareCoverage parameter returns information in this form.

The following volume groups are not protected: 2, 1
Total hot spare drives: 0
   Standby: 0
   In use: 0

The features parameter returns information that shows which features are enabled, disabled, evaluation, and available to be installed. This command returns the feature information in a format similar to this:


asyncMirror               Trial available
syncMirror                Trial available/Deactivated
thinProvisioning          Trial available
driveSlotLimit            Enabled (12 of 192 used)
snapImage                 Enabled (0 of 512 used) - Trial version expires m/d/y
snapshot                  Enabled (1 of 4 used)
storagePartition          Enabled (0 of 2 used)
volumeCopy                Enabled (1 of 511 used)
SSDSupport                Disabled (0 of 192 used) - Feature Key required
driveSecurity             Disabled - Feature Key required
enterpriseSecurityKeyMgr  Disabled - Feature Key required
highPerformanceTier       Disabled - Feature Key required

The time parameter returns information in this form.

Controller in Slot A

Date/Time: Thu Jun 03 14:54:55 MDT 2004
Controller in Slot B

Date/Time: Thu Jun 03 14:54:55 MDT 2004

The longRunningOperations parameter returns information in this form:

Volume-2         Volume Disk Copy  10% COMPLETED  5 min

The information fields returned by the longRunningOperations parameter have these meanings:

  • NAME is the name of a volume that is currently in a long running operation. The volume name must have the "Volume" as a prefix.

  • OPERATION lists the operation being performed on the volume group or volume.

  • % COMPLETE shows how much of the long running operation has been performed.

  • STATUS can have one of these meanings:

    • Pending — The long running operation has not started but will start after the current operation is completed.

    • In Progress — The long running operation has started and will run until completed or stopped by user request.

  • TIME REMAINING indicates the duration remaining to completing the current long running operation. The time is in an "hours minute" format. If less than an hour remains, only the minutes are shown. If less than a minute remains, the message "less than a minute" is shown.

The volumeDistribution parameter returns information in this form.

volume name: 10
     Current owner is controller in slot: A

volume name: CTL 0 Mirror Repository
     Current owner is controller in slot: A

volume name: Mirror Repository 1
     Current owner is controller in slot:A

volume name: 20
     Current owner is controller in slot:A

volume name: JCG_Remote_MirrorMenuTests
     Current owner is controller in slot:A

Minimum firmware level

8.63 adds the Resource-Provisioned Volumes entry under the profile parameter results.

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