SANtricity 11.8 Commands ( CA08871-194 ~ 196 )

Save storage Array support data

The save storageArray supportData command saves the support-related information of the storage system to a file.

Supported Series

This command applies to any individual storage system, including the HB1100/HB1200, HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100 and AB3100 series, as long as all SMcli packages are installed.


To execute this command on an HB2100/HB2200/HB2300, HB5100/HB5200, AB6100, or AB3100 storage system, you must have the Storage Admin or Support Admin role.


The following table lists the type of support data that you can collect.

Type of data File name and description

Automatic Load Balancing statistics



This file, one per controller, specify various statistics related to the Automatic Load Balancing feature that allow further analysis via offline analysis tool.

Core dump metadata


This file contains core dump metadata for the array.

Starting with the 8.25 release, core-dump-info.xml has been renamed to all-coredump.xml.

AutoSupport status


This file specifies the current status of ASUP for the given array.

The AutoSupport history file


This file specifies all ASUP messages, both standard and AutoSupport OnDemand messages, for the given array. Each entry in the table corresponds to an ASUP message currently sitting in one of the repositories for a given array.

AutoSupport logs


This file contains all the transmitted AutoSupport messages.

Web Server Client Info


This file specifies various Web Services client information.

Drive cabling topology

connection.txt This file contains information about the connections between the drive tray environmental services module (ESM) and the controller pair.

Cumulative statistics bundles


This file contains cumulative statistics for the controllers.

Misbehaving drive log


This file contains the storage system controller drive-side error and event log messages.

Controller health image metadata


This file contains DPL controller health image information.

Starting with the 8.25 release, core-dump-info.xml has been renamed to all-coredump.xml.

DOM 0 journal files for controller A (HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 only)


This file, one per controller, contains detailed Linux system logs. This includes logs for Linux packages and standard Linux utilities and services.

DOM 0 journal files for controller B (HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 only)


This file, one per controller, contains detailed Linux system logs. This includes logs for Linux packages and standard Linux utilities and services.

Miscellaneous DOM 0 log files for controller A (HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 only)


This file, one per controller, contains system logs that cannot be contained with the Journal. This includes the serial log for the RAID Application and debug logs for the Hypervisor.

Miscellaneous DOM 0 log files for controller B (HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 only)


This file, one per controller, contains system logs that cannot be contained with the Journal. This includes the serial log for the RAID Application and debug logs for the Hypervisor.

Drive command aging timeout values

drive-command-aging-timeout.txt This file contains the default values and current values for the command aging timeout field for every drive.

Drive health logs

drive-health-data.bin This file contains various drive information related to the drive’s health.

This file is a binary file and will require an offline parser to convert to human readable format.

Drive performance analyzer data


This file contains drive performance data that helps you identify any drives that are performing below expectations.

Tray event logs


ESM event logs.

Failed repository analysis


This file contains the failed repository analysis information.

Features of the storage system

feature-bundle.txt This file contains a list of the number of volumes, drives, and drive trays allowed in the storage system and a list of the features available and their limits.

Firmware inventory

firmware-inventory.txt This file contains a list of all of the firmware versions for all of the components in the storage system.

InfiniBand interface statistics (InfiniBand only)


This file contains the InfiniBand interface statistics.

I/O path statistics

io-path-statistics.7z This file contains raw performance data for each controller that can be used to analyze application performance issues.

IOC dump info for the host interface chip

ioc-dump-info.txt This file contains IOC dump information for the host interface chip.

IOC dump logs for the host interface chip

ioc-dump.gz This file contains the log dump from the host interface chip on the controller. The file is compressed in gz format. The zip file is saved as a file inside of the Customer Support Bundle.

iSCSI connections (iSCSI only)

iscsi-session-connections.txt This file contains a list of all of the current iSCSI sessions.

iSCSI statistics (iSCSI only)

iscsi-statistics.csv This file contains statistics for the Ethernet media access control (MAC), Ethernet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP), and iSCSI target.

iSER interface statistics (iSER over InfiniBand only)

iser-statistics.csv This file contains the statistics for the host interface card that runs iSER over InfiniBand.

Major event log

major-event-log.txt This file contains a detailed list of events that occur on the storage system. The list is stored in reserved areas on the disks in the storage system. The list records configuration events and component failures in the storage system.

Manifest file


This file contains a table that describes the files included in the archive file and the collected status of each of those files.

Storage management software runtime information


This file contains the storage management software application runtime information. Contains the JRE version currently used by the storage management software.

NVMe-oF statistics


This file contains a list of statistics, including NVMe controller statistics, NVMe queue statistics, and interface statistics for the transport protocol (for example, InfiniBand).


nvsram-data.txt This controller file specifies the default settings for the controllers.

Object bundle


This bundle contains a detailed description of the status of your storage system and its components, which was valid at the time that the file was generated.

Summary performance statistics

perf-stat-daily-summary-a.csv perf-stat-daily-summary-b.csv

This file contains various controller performance statistics, one file per controller.

Persistent reservations and registrations

persistent-reservations.txt This file contains a detailed list of volumes on the storage system with persistent reservations and registrations.

Storage management software user preferences


This file contains the user preference persistent data store.

In support bundles for the HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200, this file is not present.

Recovery Guru procedures

recovery-guru-procedures.html This file contains a detailed list of all of the recovery guru topics that are issued in response to problems detected on the storage system. For the HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 and HB5100/HB5200 series, this file contains only the recovery guru details, not the HTML files.

Recovery profile

recovery-profile.csv This file contains a detailed description of the latest recovery profile record and historical data.

SAS PHY error logs


This file contains the error information for SAS PHY.

State capture data

state-capture-data.txt This file contains a detailed description of the current state of your storage system.

Storage system configuration

storage-array-configuration.cfg This file contains a detailed description of the logical configuration on your storage system.

Storage system profile

storage-array-profile.txt This file contains a description of all of the components and properties of a storage system.

Trace buffer contents

trace-buffers.7z This file contains the contents of the controllers’ trace buffers that are used to record debug information.

Tray capture data

tray-component-state-capture.7z If your tray contains drawers, the diagnostic data is archived in this zipped file. The Zip file contains a separate text file for each tray that contains drawers. The Zip file is saved as a file inside of the Customer Support Bundle.

Unreadable sectors

unreadable-sectors.txt This file contains a detailed list of all of the unreadable sectors that have been logged to the storage system.

Web Services Trace Log (HB2100/HB2200/HB2300 or HB5100/HB5200 only)



This file, one per controller, contains Web Services trace buffers that are used to record debug information.

Workload capture analytics log file

wlc-analytics-a.lz4 wlc-analytics-b.lz4

This file, one per controller, contains computed key workload characteristics such as LBA histogram, read/write ratio and I/O throughput across all active volumes.

X-header data file

x-header-data.txt This AutoSupport message header consists of plain text key-value pairs; which include information about the array and message type.


save storageArray supportData file="filename" [force=(TRUE | FALSE)]
save storageArray supportData file="filename"
[force=(TRUE | FALSE) |
csbSubsetid=(basic | weekly | event | daily | complete) |


Parameter Description


The file path and the file name to which you want to save the support-related data for the storage system. Enclose the file path and the file name in double quotation marks (" "). For example:

file="C:\Program Files\CLI\logs\supdat.7z"


This parameter forces the collection of support data if there are any failures in securing a lock on controller operations. To force the collection of support data, set this parameter to TRUE. The default value is FALSE.


Starting with firmware level 8.60, the file name extension must be .7z.

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