ONTAP 9.14.1 commands

cluster agent connection modify

Modify agent connection

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


Modify agent connection properties.


-name <text> - Name

Specify connection name.

[-destination <text>] - Destination URL

Specify destination URL. For secure websocket, this should be amqpwss://<host[:port]>

[-use-proxy {true|false}] - Use Proxy

Establish this connection through the HTTP Proxy server associated with this connection’s IPspace.

[-subscribe-address <text>] - Subscribe Address

AMQP address to which ONTAP will subscribe. Defaults to "ontap.agent.manager".

[-publish-address <text>] - Publish Address

AMQP address to which ONTAP will publish. Defaults to "ontap.agent.cluster".

[-certificate-uuid <UUID>] - Auth Certificate UUID

Specify uuid of an existing certificate to use for authentication to the destination.

[-certificate-name <text>] - Auth Certificate Name

Specify name of certificate to be used for authentication to the destination. If paired with certificate-private-key, it names the new certificate.

[-csr-token <text>] - Auth CSR Token

Token for authenticating with CSR URL. Not audited.

[-idle-timeout <integer>] - Idle Timeout

AMQP idle timeout. Defaults to 0. If set, the local peer will disconnect if it does not receive AMQP frames within the timeout

[-address-family {unknown|ipv4|ipv6}] - Address Family

Specify address family.

[-auto-delete-error-minutes {<integer>|-}] - Auto-delete When Disconnected for Specified Minutes

Specify time to live in minutes for cloud agent connection in error state. Connection will be deleted if it stays in error state beyond this time.


cluster-1::> cluster agent connection modify -name cloud_agent -destination amqpwss://new-manager.example.com
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