ONTAP 9.14.1 commands

job initstate show

Display init state for job managers

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The job initstate show command displays information about the initialization states of job-manager processes.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-process <process_name>] - Process Name

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-initialized {true|false}] - Initialized?

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value (true means initialized; false means not initialized).

[-cache-root <text>] - Cache Root

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-siteid <UUID>] - Site ID

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-hp-threads <integer>] - High Priority Threads

Selects the nodes that have the number of high-priority threads you specify.

[-mp-threads <integer>] - Medium Priority Threads

Selects the nodes that have the number of medium-priority threads you specify.

[-lp-threads <integer>] - Low Priority Threads

Selects the nodes that have the number of low-priority threads you specify.

[-tx-interval <integer>] - Transaction Interval

Selects the nodes that have the number of seconds you specify as their transaction interval.

[-initmsg <text>] - Initialization Message

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.

[-thread-initmsg <text>] - Thread Initialization Message

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value. The thread initialization message contains information about thread status. If there is no information to communicate, this message is empty.

[-recovery-enabled {true|false}] - Job Failover Enabled?

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value (true means enabled, false means not enabled).

[-ex-threads <integer>] - Exclusive Priority Threads

Selects the nodes that match this parameter value.


The following example shows how to display general job-manager initialization-state information for a cluster.

cluster1::*> job initstate show
                                    HP   MP   LP   EX
Node              Process     Init? Thr  Thr  Thr  Thr  TX Int Failover?
----------------- ----------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---------
node1             mgwd        true  2    3    5    8    300    true
node2             mgwd        true  2    3    5    8    300    true
2 entries were displayed.

The following example shows how to display detailed job-manager initialization-state information for a node named node0 .

cluster1::*> job initstate show -instance -node node0
                      Node: node0
              Process Name: mgwd
              Initialized?: true
                Cache Root: /mroot/jm_cache
                   Site ID: 824e8f7d-f49-1d9-84af-00423b7352
     High Priority Threads: 2
   Medium Priority Threads: 3
      Low Priority Threads: 5
      Transaction Interval: 300
    Initialization Message: Initialized
      Are Threads Running?: -
     Job Failover Enabled?: true
Exclusive Priority Threads: 8
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