ONTAP 9.14.1 commands

cluster time-service ntp status show

Display status of the node’s NTP client

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The cluster time-service ntp status show command displays the status of the associations between the cluster and external network time servers that use the Network Time Protocol (NTP).


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If this parameter is specified, the command displays detailed information about all entries.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information related to associations on the specifed node.

[-server <text>] - NTP Server Host Name, IPv4 or IPv6 Address

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about the associations related to the specified NTP server. The server should be specified as it is configured in the cluster time-service ntp server show command.

[-server-address <IP Address>] - Server IP Address

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about the associations related to the NTP server with the specified IP address.

[-is-peer-reachable {true|false}] - Is Peer Reachable and Responding to Polls?

If this parameter is specified as true , the command displays information about associations with the NTP servers that have been successfully polled.

[-is-peer-selected {true|false}] - Is Peer Selected as Clock Source?

If this parameter is specified as true , the command displays information about associations with the NTP servers that have been selected as the current clock source.

[-selection-state <State of NTP Peer Selection>] - State of Server Selection

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified selection state.

[-selection-state-text <text>] - Description of Server Selection State

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified selection state description.

[-poll-interval <integer>] - Poll Interval (secs)

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations that have the specified polling interval.

[-time-last-poll <integer>] - Time from Last Poll (secs)

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations that are polled at the specified time.

[-offset <double hundredths>] - Offset from Server Time (ms)

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified offset from the NTP server.

[-delay <double hundredths>] - Delay Time to Server (ms)

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified travelling time to the NTP server.

[-jitter <double hundredths>] - Maximum Offset Error (ms)

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified offset error from the NTP server.

[-reachability <Hex String>] - Reachability of Server

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified reachability to the NTP server. Reachability is specified as a hexbyte that has a bit to represent the success of each of the last eight polls of the specified server. A set bit represents a successful poll. The least significant bit represents the most recent poll, the next most significant bit the poll before that, and so on.

[-server-stratum <integer>] - Stratum of Server Clock

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with NTP servers with the specified clock stratum.

[-server-reference <text>] - Reference Clock at Server

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with NTP servers using the specified clock as reference.

[-reported-errors <NTP Peer and Packet Errors>,…​] - Reported Packet and Peer Errors

If this parameter is specified, the command displays information about associations with the specified errors.


The following example displays the status of the NTP associations of the cluster:

cluster-1::*>cluster time-service ntp status show
Node: node-1
Server                  Reachable  Selection State                Offset (ms)
----------------------- ---------  ------------------------------ ------------
ntp1.eng.fujitsu.com          true  Currently Selected Server            39.122
ntp2.eng.fujitsu.com          true  Candidate Server                     37.786
2 entries were displayed.

The following example displays the status of the association with the specified external NTP server:

cluster-1::*>cluster time-service ntp status show -instance -server ntp1.example.com
Node: node-1
NTP Server Host Name, IPv4 or IPv6 Address: ntp1.example.com
                         Server IP Address:
Is Peer Reachable and Responding to Polls?: true
         Is Peer Selected as Clock Source?: true
                 State of Server Selection: sys_peer
     Description of Server Selection State: Currently Selected Server
                      Poll Interval (secs): 64
                Time from Last Poll (secs): 1
              Offset from Server Time (ms): 26.736
                 Delay Time to Server (ms): 61.772
                 Maximum Offset Error (ms): 3.064
                    Reachability of Server: 01
                   Stratum of Server Clock: 2
                 Reference Clock at Server:
           Reported Packet and Peer Errors: -
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