ONTAP 9.14.1 commands

storage automated-working-set-analyzer volume show

Displays the Automated Working Set Analyzer volume table

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the advanced privilege level.


The automated-working-set-analyzer volume show command displays the volume statistics reported by the corresponding Automated Working-set Analyzer running instances.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node <nodename>] - Node

This parameter indicates the node name that the AWA instance runs on.

[-flash-cache {true|false}] - Flash Cache Node-wide Modeling

This parameter indicates whether the AWA is modeling flash-cache.

[-vol-uuid <UUID>] - Uuid of the Volume

This parameter indicates the volume uuid that this command is issued on.

[-aggregate <aggregate name>] - Aggregate

This parameter indicates the aggregate name that the AWA instance runs on.

[-volume <volume name>] - Volume

This parameter indicates the volume name that this command is issued on.

[-rank <integer>] - Cache Benefit Rank

This parameter indicates the rank of this volume among all volumes that would be most benefited by the modeled cache technology based on the AWA prediction.

[-read-throughput {<integer>[Bps|KBps|MBps|GBps]}] - Read Throughput

This parameter indicates the maximum read throughput over an interval that AWA has observed from the storage disks for this volume.

[-write-throughput {<integer>[Bps|KBps|MBps|GBps]}] - Write Throughput

This parameter indicates the maximum write throughput over an interval that AWA has observed to the storage disks for this volume.

[-cacheable-read <percent>] - Cacheable Read

This parameter indicates the maximum percent of cacheable read over an interval that AWA has observed for this volume. Cacheable reads are non-sequential reads, i.e., the percentage of data reads that could have been cached.

[-cacheable-write <percent>] - Cacheable Write

This parameter indicates the maximum percent of cacheable write over an interval that AWA has observed. Cacheable writes are random overwrites, percentage of disk writes that could have been cached.

[-projected-cache-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Max Projected Cache Size

This parameter indicates the projected Flash Pool cache usage by this volume.

[-projected-read-hit <percent>] - Projected Read Hit

This parameter indicates the percentage of blocks that could be read from the Flash Pool cache instead of HDDs for this volume.

[-projected-write-hit <percent>] - Projected Write Hit

This parameter indicates the percentage of block overwrites that could go to the Flash Pool cache instead of HDDs for this volume.

[-num-intervals-show <integer>] - Number of intervals to show

This parameter indicates the number of intervals to the past this command is showing.


cluster1::> cluster-1::*> storage automated-working-set-analyzer volume show
Node          FC    Aggregate    Volume       Rank  Read Thrupt Write Thrupt
------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ---- ------------ ------------
vsim1         false aggr0        vol0            1   230.47KBps   580.09KBps
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