ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Configure on-demand scanning overview

You can use on-demand scanning to check files for viruses immediately or on a schedule.

You might want to run scans only in off-peak hours, for example, or you might want to scan very large files that were excluded from an on-access scan. You can use a cron schedule to specify when the task runs.

About this topic
  • You can assign a schedule when you create a task.

  • Only one task can be scheduled at a time on an SVM.

  • On-demand scanning does not support scanning of symbolic links or stream files.

On-demand scanning does not support scanning of symbolic links or stream files.
To create an on-demand task, there must be at least one on-access policy enabled. It can be the default policy or a user created on-access policy.
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