ONTAP 9.14

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Create SMB share access control lists

Configuring share permissions by creating access control lists (ACLs) for SMB shares enables you to control the level of access to a share for users and groups.

About this task

You can configure share-level ACLs by using local or domain Windows user or group names or UNIX user or group names.

Before creating a new ACL, you should delete the default share ACL Everyone / Full Control, which poses a security risk.

In workgroup mode, the local domain name is the SMB server name.

  1. Delete the default share ACL: vserver cifs share access-control delete -vserver vserver_name -share share_name -user-or-group Everyone

  2. Configure the new ACL:

    If you want to configure ACLs by using a…​ Enter the command…​

    Windows user

    vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vserver_name -share share_name -user-group-type windows -user-or-group Windows_domain_name\user_name -permission access_right

    Windows group

    vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vserver_name -share share_name -user-group-type windows -user-or-group Windows_domain_name\group_name -permission access_right

    UNIX user

    vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vserver_name -share share_name -user-group-type unix-user -user-or-group UNIX_user_name -permission access_right

    UNIX group

    vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vserver_name -share share_name -user-group-type unix-group -user-or-group UNIX_group_name -permission access_right

  3. Verify that the ACL applied to the share is correct by using the vserver cifs share access-control show command.


The following command gives Change permissions to the “Sales Team” Windows group for the “sales” share on the “vs1.example.com” SVM:

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vs1.example.com -share sales -user-or-group "DOMAIN\Sales Team" -permission Change

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control show -vserver vs1.example.com
                 Share       User/Group              User/Group  Access
Vserver          Name        Name                    Type        Permission
---------------- ----------- --------------------    ---------   -----------
vs1.example.com  c$          BUILTIN\Administrators  windows     Full_Control
vs1.example.com  sales       DOMAIN\Sales Team     windows     Change

The following command gives Read permission to the “engineering” UNIX group for the “eng” share on the “vs2.example.com” SVM:

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vs2.example.com -share eng -user-group-type unix-group -user-or-group  engineering -permission Read

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control show -vserver vs2.example.com
                 Share       User/Group               User/Group  Access
Vserver          Name        Name                     Type        Permission
---------------- ----------- -------------------      ----------- -----------
vs2.example.com  c$          BUILTIN\Administrators   windows     Full_Control
vs2.example.com  eng         engineering              unix-group  Read

The following commands give Change permission to the local Windows group named “Tiger Team” and Full_Control permission to the local Windows user named “Sue Chang” for the “datavol5” share on the “vs1” SVM:

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vs1 -share datavol5 -user-group-type windows -user-or-group "Tiger Team" -permission Change

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control create -vserver vs1 -share datavol5 -user-group-type windows -user-or-group "Sue Chang" -permission Full_Control

cluster1::> vserver cifs share access-control show -vserver vs1
               Share       User/Group                  User/Group  Access
Vserver        Name        Name                        Type        Permission
-------------- ----------- --------------------------- ----------- -----------
vs1            c$          BUILTIN\Administrators      windows     Full_Control
vs1            datavol5    Tiger Team         windows     Change
vs1            datavol5    Sue Chang          windows     Full_Control
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