ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )


If you reduce the size of your aggregate and no longer need triple parity, you can convert your RAID policy from RAID-TEC to RAID-DP and reduce the number of disks you need for RAID parity.

What you’ll need

The maximum RAID group size for RAID-TEC is larger than the maximum RAID group size for RAID-DP. If the largest RAID-TEC group size is not within the RAID-DP limits, you cannot convert to RAID-DP.

  1. Verify that the aggregate is online and has a minimum of six disks:

    storage aggregate show-status -aggregate aggregate_name

  2. Convert the aggregate from RAID-TEC to RAID-DP:

    storage aggregate modify -aggregate aggregate_name -raidtype raid_dp

  3. Verify that the aggregate RAID policy is RAID-DP:

    storage aggregate show aggregate_name

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