ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Guidelines for applying file-directory policies that use local users or groups on the SVM disaster recovery destination

There are certain guidelines that you must keep in mind before applying file-directory policies on the storage virtual machine (SVM) disaster recovery destination in an ID discard configuration if your file-directory policy configuration uses local users or groups in either the security descriptor or the DACL or SACL entries.

You can configure a disaster recovery configuration for an SVM where the source SVM on the source cluster replicates the data and configuration from the source SVM to a destination SVM on a destination cluster.

You can set up one of two types of SVM disaster recovery:

  • Identity preserved

    With this configuration, the identity of the SVM and the CIFS server is preserved.

  • Identity discarded

    With this configuration, the identity of the SVM and the CIFS server is not preserved. In this scenario, the name of the SVM and the CIFS server on the destination SVM is different from the SVM and the CIFS server name on the source SVM.

Guidelines for identity discarded configurations

In an identity discarded configuration, for an SVM source that contains local user, group, and privilege configurations, the name of the local domain (local CIFS server name) must be changed to match the CIFS server name on the SVM destination. For example, if the source SVM name is “vs1” and CIFS server name is “CIFS1”, and the destination SVM name is “vs1_dst” and the CIFS server name is “CIFS1_DST”, then the local domain name for a local user named “CIFS1\user1” is automatically changed to “CIFS1_DST\user1” on the destination SVM:

cluster1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show -vserver vs1_dst

Vserver      User Name                Full Name      Description
------------ ------------------------ -------------- -------------
vs1          CIFS1\Administrator                     Built-in administrator account
vs1          CIFS1\user1              -              -

cluster1dst::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user show -vserver vs1_dst

Vserver      User Name                Full Name      Description
------------ ------------------------ -------------- -------------
vs1_dst      CIFS1_DST\Administrator                 Built-in administrator account
vs1_dst      CIFS1_DST\user1          -              -

Even though local user and group names are automatically changed in the local user and group databases, local users or group names are not automatically changed in file-directory policy configurations (policies configured on the CLI using the vserver security file-directory command family).

For example, for “vs1”, if you have configured a DACL entry where the -account parameter is set to “CIFS1\user1”, the setting is not automatically changed on the destination SVM to reflect the destination’s CIFS server name.

cluster1::> vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl show -vserver vs1

Vserver: vs1
  NTFS Security Descriptor Name: sd1

    Account Name     Access   Access             Apply To
                     Type     Rights
    --------------   -------  -------            -----------
    CIFS1\user1      allow    full-control      this-folder

cluster1::> vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl show -vserver vs1_dst

Vserver: vs1_dst
  NTFS Security Descriptor Name: sd1

    Account Name     Access   Access             Apply To
                     Type     Rights
    --------------   -------  -------            -----------
    **CIFS1**\user1          allow    full-control      this-folder

You must use the vserver security file-directory modify commands to manually change the CIFS server name to the destination CIFS server name.

File-directory policy configuration components that contain account parameters

There are three file-directory policy configuration components that can use parameter settings that can contain local users or groups:

  • Security descriptor

    You can optionally specify the owner of the security descriptor and the primary group of the owner of the security descriptor. If the security descriptor uses a local user or group for the owner and primary group entries, you must modify the security descriptor to use the destination SVM in the account name. You can use the vserver security file-directory ntfs modify command to make any necessary changes to the account names.

  • DACL entries

    Each DACL entry must be associated with an account. You must modify any DACLs that use local user or group accounts to use the destination SVM name. Because you cannot modify the account name for existing DACL entries, you must remove any DACL entries with local users or groups from the security descriptors, create new DACL entries with the corrected destination account names, and associate these new DACL entries with the appropriate security descriptors.

  • SACL entries

    Each SACL entry must be associated with an account. You must modify any SACLs that use local user or group accounts to use the destination SVM name. Because you cannot modify the account name for existing SACL entries, you must remove any SACL entries with local users or groups from the security descriptors, create new SACL entries with the corrected destination account names, and associate these new SACL entries with the appropriate security descriptors.

You must make any necessary changes to local users or groups used in the file-directory policy configuration before applying the policy; otherwise, the apply job fails.

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