ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Display FabricPool mirror details

You can display details about a FabricPool mirror to see what object stores are in the configuration and whether the object store mirror is in sync with the primary object store.

  1. Display information about a FabricPool mirror using the storage aggregate object-store show command.

    This example displays the details about the primary and mirror object stores in a FabricPool mirror.

    cluster1::> storage aggregate object-store show
    Aggregate      Object Store Name Availability    Mirror Type
    -------------- ----------------- -------------   ----------
    aggr1          my-store-1        available       primary
                   my-store-2        available       mirror

    This example displays details about the FabricPool mirror, including whether the mirror is degraded due to a resync operation.

    cluster1::> storage aggregate object-store show -fields mirror-type,is-mirror-degraded
    aggregate      object-store-name mirror-type     is-mirror-degraded
    -------------- ----------------- ------------- ------------------
    aggr1          my-store-1        primary           -
                   my-store-2        mirror          false
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