ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Clone LUNs from an active volume

You can create copies of your LUNs by cloning the LUNs in the active volume. These FlexClone LUNs are readable and writeable copies of the original LUNs in the active volume.

What you’ll need

A FlexClone license must be installed. This license is include with ONTAP One.

About this task

A space-reserved FlexClone LUN requires as much space as the space-reserved parent LUN. If the FlexClone LUN is not space-reserved, you must ensure that the volume has enough space to accommodate changes to the FlexClone LUN.

  1. You must have verified that the LUNs are not mapped to an igroup or are written to before making the clone.

  2. Use the lun show command to verify that the LUN exists.

    lun show -vserver vs1

    Vserver  Path              State     Mapped    Type     Size
    -------- ----------------- --------- --------- -------- -------
    vs1      /vol/vol1/lun1    online   unmapped  windows  47.07MB
  3. Use the volume file clone create command to create the FlexClone LUN.

    volume file clone create -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 -source-path lun1 -destination-path/lun1_clone

    If you need the FlexClone LUN to be available for automatic deletion, you include -autodelete true. If you are creating this FlexClone LUN in a volume using semi-thick provisioning, you must enable automatic deletion for all FlexClone LUNs.

  4. Use the lun show command to verify that you created a LUN.

    lun show -vserver vs1

    Vserver  Path                    State    Mapped   Type     Size
    -------- ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------
    vs1      /vol/volX/lun1          online   unmapped windows  47.07MB
    vs1      /vol/volX/lun1_clone    online   unmapped windows  47.07MB
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