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Resynchronize a replication relationship

You need to resynchronize a replication relationship after you make a destination volume writeable, after an update fails because a common Snapshot copy does not exist on the source and destination volumes, or if you want to change the replication policy for the relationship.

About this task

Although resync does not require a baseline transfer, it can be time-consuming. You might want to run the resync in off-peak hours.

You must specify the Element source path in the form hostip:/lun/name, where “lun” is the actual string “lun” and name is the name of the Element volume.

  1. Resync the source and destination volumes:

    snapmirror resync -source-path hostip:/lun/name -destination-path SVM:volume|cluster://SVM/volume -type XDP -schedule schedule -policy policy

    For complete command syntax, see the man page.

    The following example resyncs the relationship between the source volume 0005 at IP address and the destination volume volA_dst on svm_backup:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror resync -source-path -policy MirrorLatest -destination-path svm_backup:volA_dst
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