ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Verify all LIFS are on home ports after ONTAP upgrade

During the reboot that occurs as part of the ONTAP upgrade process, some LIFs might be migrated from their home ports to their assigned failover ports. After an upgrade, you need to enable and revert any LIFs that are not on their home ports.

  1. Display the status of all LIFs:

    network interface show -fields home-port,curr-port

    If Status Admin is "down" or Is home is "false" for any LIFs, continue with the next step.

  2. Enable the data LIFs:

    network interface modify {-role data} -status-admin up
  3. Revert LIFs to their home ports:

    network interface revert *
  4. Verify that all LIFs are in their home ports:

    network interface show

    This example shows that all LIFs for SVM vs0 are on their home ports.

    cluster1::> network interface show -vserver vs0
             Logical    Status     Network         Current  Current Is
    Vserver  Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask    Node     Port    Home
    -------- ---------- ---------- --------------- -------- ------- ----
             data001    up/up  node0    e0e     true
             data002    up/up  node0    e0f     true
             data003    up/up  node0    e2a     true
             data004    up/up  node0    e2b     true
             data005    up/up  node1    e0e     true
             data006    up/up  node1    e0f     true
             data007    up/up  node1    e2a     true
             data008    up/up  node1    e2b     true
    8 entries were displayed.
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