ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Configure an SVM for FC

To configure a storage virtual machine (SVM) for FC, you must create LIFs for the SVM and assign the FC protocol to those LIFs.

Before you begin

You must have an FC license (included with ONTAP One) and it must be enabled. If the FC license is not enabled, the LIFs and SVMs appear to be online but the operational status is down. The FC service must be enabled for your LIFs and SVMs to be operational. You must use single initiator zoning for all of the FC LIFs in the SVM to host the initiators.

About this task

Technical supports a minimum of one FC LIF per node for each SVM serving data with the FC protocol. You must use two LIFs per node and two fabrics, with one LIF per node attached. This provides for redundancy at the node layer and the fabric.

ONTAP System Manager

Configure an storage VM for iSCSI with ONTAP System Manager (9.7 and later).

To configure FC on a new storage VM To configure FC on an existing storage VM
  1. In ONTAP System Manager, click Storage > Storage VMs and then click Add.

  2. Enter a name for the storage VM.

  3. Select FC for the Access Protocol.

  4. Click Enable FC. + The FC ports are automatically assigned.

  5. Click Save.

  1. In ONTAP System Manager, click Storage > Storage VMs.

  2. Click on the storage VM you want to configure.

  3. Click on the Settings tab, and then click Options icon next to the FC protocol.

    The FC ports are automatically assigned.

  4. Click Save.

  1. Enable FC service on the SVM:

    vserver fcp create -vserver vserver_name -status-admin up

  2. Create two LIFs for the SVMs on each node serving FC:

    • For ONTAP 9.7 and later:

      network interface create -vserver vserver_name -lif lif_name -data-protocol fcp -service-policy default-data-fcp -home-node node_name -home-port port_name -address ip_address -netmask netmask -status-admin up

  3. Verify that your LIFs have been created and that their operational status is online:

    network interface show -vserver vserver_name lif_name

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