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Change settings for automatic assignment of disk ownership

You can use the storage disk option modify command to select a non-default policy for automatically assigning disk ownership or to disable automatic assignment of disk ownership.

  1. Modify automatic disk assignment:

    1. If you want to select a non-default policy, enter:

      storage disk option modify -autoassign-policy autoassign_policy -node node_name

      • Use stack as the autoassign_policy to configure automatic ownership at the stack or loop level.

      • Use shelf as the autoassign_policy to configure automatic ownership at the shelf level.

      • Use bay as the autoassign_policy to configure automatic ownership at the bay level.

    2. If you want to disable automatic disk ownership assignment, enter:

      storage disk option modify -autoassign off -node node_name

  2. Verify the automatic assignment settings for the disks:

    storage disk option show

    cluster1::> storage disk option show
    Node           BKg. FW. Upd.  Auto Copy     Auto Assign    Auto
                                                               Assign Policy
    -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  --------
    cluster1-1     on             on            on             default
    cluster1-2     on             on            on             default
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