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Enable SSL certificate accounts

You can use the security login create command to enable administrator accounts to access an admin or data SVM with an SSL certificate.

About this task
For cluster administrator accounts, certificate authentication is supported only with the http and ontapi applications. For SVM administrator accounts, certificate authentication is supported only with the ontapi application.
  1. Enable local administrator accounts to access an SVM using an SSL certificate:

    security login create -vserver SVM_name -user-or-group-name user_or_group_name -application application -authmethod authentication_method -role role -comment comment

    For complete command syntax, see the ONTAP man pages by release.

    The following command enables the SVM administrator account svmadmin2 with the default vsadmin role to access the SVMengData2 using an SSL digital certificate.

    cluster1::>security login create -vserver engData2 -user-or-group-name svmadmin2 -application ontapi -authmethod cert
After you finish

If you have not installed a CA-signed server digital certificate, you must do so before the account can access the SVM.

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