ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Add nodes to the cluster

After a cluster is created, you can expand it by adding nodes to it. You add only one node at a time.

What you’ll need
  • If you are adding nodes to a multiple-node cluster, all the existing nodes in the cluster must be healthy (indicated by cluster show).

  • If you are adding nodes to a two-node switchless cluster, you must convert your two-node switchless cluster to a switch-attached cluster using a technical supported cluster switch.

    The switchless cluster functionality is supported only in a two-node cluster.

  • If you are adding a second node to a single-node cluster, the second node must have been installed, and the cluster network must have been configured.

  • If the cluster has SP automatic configuration enabled, the subnet specified for the SP must have available resources to allow the joining node to use the specified subnet to automatically configure the SP.

  • You must have gathered the following information for the new node’s node management LIF:

    • Port

    • IP address

    • Netmask

    • Default gateway

About this task

Nodes must be in even numbers so that they can form HA pairs. After you start to add a node to the cluster, you must complete the process. The node must be part of the cluster before you can start to add another node.

  1. Power on the node that you want to add to the cluster.

    The node boots, and the Node Setup wizard starts on the console.

    Welcome to node setup.
    You can enter the following commands at any time:
      "help" or "?" - if you want to have a question clarified,
      "back" - if you want to change previously answered questions, and
      "exit" or "quit" - if you want to quit the setup wizard.
         Any changes you made before quitting will be saved.
    To accept a default or omit a question, do not enter a value.
    Enter the node management interface port [e0M]:
  2. Exit the Node Setup wizard: exit

    The Node Setup wizard exits, and a login prompt appears, warning that you have not completed the setup tasks.

  3. Log in to the admin account by using the admin user name.

  4. Start the Cluster Setup wizard:

    cluster setup

    ::> cluster setup
    Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.
    You can enter the following commands at any time:
     "help" or "?" - if you want to have a question clarified,
     "back" - if you want to change previously answered questions, and
     "exit" or "quit" - if you want to quit the cluster setup wizard.
     Any changes you made before quitting will be saved.
    You can return to cluster setup at any time by typing "cluster setup".
    To accept a default or omit a question, do not enter a value....
    Use your web browser to complete cluster setup by accessing
    Otherwise, press Enter to complete cluster setup using the
    command line interface:

    For more information on setting up a cluster using the setup GUI, see the ONTAP System Manager online help.

  5. Press Enter to use the CLI to complete this task. When prompted to create a new cluster or join an existing one, enter join.

    Do you want to create a new cluster or join an existing cluster? {create, join}:

    If the ONTAP version running on the new node is different to the version running on the existing cluster, the system reports a System checks Error: Cluster join operation cannot be performed at this time error. This is the expected behavior. To continue, run the add-node -allow-mixed-version-join new_node_name command at the advanced privilege level from an existing node in the cluster.

  6. Follow the prompts to set up the node and join it to the cluster:

    • To accept the default value for a prompt, press Enter.

    • To enter your own value for a prompt, enter the value, and then press Enter.

  7. Repeat the preceding steps for each additional node that you want to add.

After you finish

After adding nodes to the cluster, you should enable storage failover for each HA pair.

Related information

Mixed version ONTAP clusters

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