ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Verify LDAP sources in the name service switch table

You must verify that LDAP sources for name services are listed correctly in the name service switch table for the SVM.

  1. Display the current name service switch table contents:

    vserver services name-service ns-switch show -vserver svm_name

    The following command shows the results for the SVM My_SVM:

    ie3220-a::> vserver services name-service ns-switch show -vserver My_SVM
    Vserver         Database       Order
    --------------- ------------   ---------
    My_SVM          hosts          files,
    My_SVM          group          files,ldap
    My_SVM          passwd         files,ldap
    My_SVM          netgroup       files
    My_SVM          namemap        files
    5 entries were displayed.

    namemap specifies the sources to search for name mapping information and in what order. In a UNIX-only environment, this entry is not necessary. Name mapping is only required in a mixed environment using both UNIX and Windows.

  2. Update the ns-switch entry as appropriate:

    If you want to update the ns-switch entry for…​ Enter the command…​

    User information

    vserver services name-service ns-switch modify -vserver vserver_name -database passwd -sources ldap,files

    Group information

    vserver services name-service ns-switch modify -vserver vserver_name -database group -sources ldap,files

    Netgroup information

    vserver services name-service ns-switch modify -vserver vserver_name -database netgroup -sources ldap,files

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