ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Set performance thresholds

You can set performance thresholds to monitor critical performance issues. User-defined thresholds trigger a warning or a critical event notification when the system approaches or exceeds the defined threshold.

  1. Create the Warning and Critical event thresholds:

    1. Select Configuration > Performance Thresholds.

    2. Click Create.

    3. Select the object type and specify a name and description of the policy.

    4. Select the object counter condition and specify the limit values that define Warning and Critical events.

    5. Select the duration of time that the limit values must be breached for an event to be sent, and then click Save.

  2. Assign the threshold policy to the storage object.

    1. Go to the Inventory page for the same cluster object type that you previously selected and choose the Performance from the View option.

    2. Select the object to which you want to assign the threshold policy, and then click Assign Threshold Policy.

    3. Select the policy you previously created, and then click Assign Policy.


You can set user-defined thresholds to learn about critical performance issues. For example, if you have a Microsoft Exchange Server and you know that it crashes if volume latency exceeds 20 milliseconds, you can set a warning threshold at 12 milliseconds and a critical threshold at 15 milliseconds. With this threshold setting, you can receive notifications when the volume latency exceeds the limit.

This screenshot displays threshold values to create a threshold policy in Performance Manager.
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