ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Enable inline data compaction for ETERNUS HX series

You can control inline data compaction on ETERNUS HX series with Flash Pool (hybrid) aggregates or HDD aggregates at the volume or aggregate level by using the volume efficiency cluster shell command. Data compaction is disabled by default for ETERNUS HX series.

About this task

If you enable data compaction at the aggregate level, data compaction is enabled on any new volume that is created with a volume space guarantee of none in the aggregate. Enabling data compaction on a volume on an HDD aggregate uses additional CPU resources.

  1. Change to the advanced privilege level:
    set -privilege advanced

  2. Check the data compaction state of the volumes and aggregates for the desired node:
    volume efficiency show -volume volume_name

  3. Enable data compaction on volume:
    volume efficiency modify -volume volume_name -data-compaction true

    If data compaction is set to false for either an aggregate or a volume, then compaction fails. Enabling compaction does not compact existing data; only new writes to the system are compacted. The volume efficiency start command contains more information about how to compact existing data (in ONTAP 9.7 and later).
    For more information, see the ONTAP 9 command reference.

  4. View the compaction statistics: volume efficiency show -volume volume_name

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