ONTAP 9.14

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Display information about central access policies

You can display detailed information about the central access policies that are defined in Active Directory. You can also display information about the central access policies that are applied to the CIFS server through group policy objects (GPOs).

About this task

By default, the following information is displayed:

  • SVM name

  • Name of the central access policy

  • SID

  • Description

  • Creation time

  • Modification time

  • Member rules

CIFS servers in workgroup mode are not displayed because they do not support GPOs.

  1. Display information about central access policies by performing one of the following actions:

    If you want to display information about all central access policies…​ Enter the command…​

    Defined in Active Directory

    vserver cifs group-policy central-access-policy show-defined -vserver vserver_name

    Applied to a CIFS server

    vserver cifs group-policy central-access-policy show-applied -vserver vserver_name


The following example displays information for all the central access policies that are defined in Active Directory:

cluster1::> vserver cifs group-policy central-access-policy show-defined

Vserver  Name                 SID
-------- -------------------- -----------------------------------------------
vs1      p1                   S-1-17-3386172923-1132988875-3044489393-3993546205
       Description: policy #1
     Creation Time: Tue Oct 22 09:34:13 2013
 Modification Time: Wed Oct 23 08:59:15 2013
      Member Rules: r1

vs1      p2                   S-1-17-1885229282-1100162114-134354072-822349040
       Description: policy #2
     Creation Time: Tue Oct 22 10:28:20 2013
 Modification Time: Thu Oct 31 10:25:32 2013
      Member Rules: r1

The following example displays information for all the central access policies that are applied to the storage virtual machines (SVMs) on the cluster:

cluster1::> vserver cifs group-policy central-access-policy show-applied

Vserver    Name                 SID
-------- -------------------- -----------------------------------------------
vs1      p1                   S-1-17-3386172923-1132988875-3044489393-3993546205
       Description: policy #1
     Creation Time: Tue Oct 22 09:34:13 2013
 Modification Time: Wed Oct 23 08:59:15 2013
      Member Rules: r1

vs1      p2                   S-1-17-1885229282-1100162114-134354072-822349040
       Description: policy #2
     Creation Time: Tue Oct 22 10:28:20 2013
 Modification Time: Thu Oct 31 10:25:32 2013
      Member Rules: r1
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