ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Use online help at the SP/BMC CLI

The online help displays the SP/BMC CLI commands and options.

About this task

This task applies to both the SP and the BMC.

  1. To display help information for the SP/BMC commands, enter the following:

    To access SP help…​ To access BMC help…​

    Type help at the SP prompt.

    Type system at the BMC prompt.

    The following example shows the SP CLI online help.

    SP> help
    date - print date and time
    exit - exit from the SP command line interface
    events - print system events and event information
    help - print command help
    priv - show and set user mode
    sp - commands to control the SP
    system - commands to control the system
    version - print SP version

    The following example shows the BMC CLI online help.

    BMC> system
    system acp - acp related commands
    system battery - battery related commands
    system console - connect to the system console
    system core - dump the system core and reset
    system cpld - cpld commands
    system log - print system console logs
    system power - commands controlling system power
    system reset - reset the system using the selected firmware
    system sensors - print environmental sensors status
    system service-event - print service-event status
    system fru - fru related commands
    system watchdog - system watchdog commands
  2. To display help information for the option of an SP/BMC command, enter help before or after the SP/BMC command.

    The following example shows the SP CLI online help for the SP events command.

    SP> help events
    events all - print all system events
    events info - print system event log information
    events newest - print newest system events
    events oldest - print oldest system events
    events search - search for and print system events

    The following example shows the BMC CLI online help for the BMC system power command.

    BMC> system power help
    system power cycle - power the system off, then on
    system power off - power the system off
    system power on - power the system on
    system power status - print system power status
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