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Create an S3 service data policy

You can create service policies for S3 data and management services. An S3 service data policy is required to enable S3 data traffic on LIFs.

About this task

An S3 service data policy is required if you are using data LIFs and intercluster LIFs. It is not required if you are using cluster LIFs for the local tiering use case.

When a service policy is specified for a LIF, the policy is used to construct a default role, failover policy, and data protocol list for the LIF.

Although multiple protocols can be configured for SVMs and LIFs, it is a best practice for S3 to be the only protocol when serving object data.

  1. Change the privilege setting to advanced:

    set -privilege advanced

  2. Create a service data policy:

    network interface service-policy create -vserver svm_name -policy policy_name -services data-core,data-s3-server

    The data-core and data-s3-server services are the only ones required to enable ONTAP S3, although other services can be included as needed.

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