ONTAP 9.14

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Show S3 auditing configurations

After completing the auditing configuration, you can verify that auditing is configured properly and is enabled. You can also display information about all object store auditing configurations in the cluster.

About this task

You can display information about bucket and SVM auditing configurations.

  • Buckets – use the vserver object-store-server audit event-selector show command

    Without any parameters, the command displays the following information about buckets in all SVMs in the cluster with object store auditing configurations:

    • SVM name

    • Bucket name

    • Access and permission values

  • SVMs – use the vserver object-store-server audit show command

    Without any parameters, the command displays the following information about all SVMs in the cluster with object store auditing configurations:

    • SVM name

    • Audit state

    • Target directory

You can specify the -fields parameter to specify which audit configuration information to display.


Show information about S3 auditing configurations:

If you want to modify the configuration for…​ Enter…​


vserver object-store-server audit event-selector show [-vserver svm_name] [parameters]


vserver object-store-server audit show [-vserver svm_name] [parameters]


The following example displays information for a single bucket:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server audit event-selector show -vserver vs1 -bucket test-bucket
     Vserver     Bucket     Access          Permission
     ----------- ---------- --------------- ----------
     vs1         bucket1    read-only       allow-only

The following example displays information for all buckets on an SVM:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server audit event-selector show -vserver vs1

     Vserver           :vs1
     Bucket            :test-bucket
     Access            :all
     Permission        :all

The following example displays the name, audit state, event types, log format, and target directory for all SVMs.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server audit show

Vserver     State  Event Types Log Format Target Directory
----------- ------ ----------- ---------- --------------------
vs1         false  data        json       /audit_log

The following example displays the SVM names and details about the audit log for all SVMs.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server audit show -log-save-details

                  Rotation                           Rotation
      Vserver     File Size Rotation Schedule        Limit
      ----------- --------- ------------------------ --------
      vs1         100MB     -                        0

The following example displays in list form all audit configuration information about all SVMs.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server audit show -instance

                             Vserver: vs1
                      Auditing state: true
                Log Destination Path: /audit_log
       Categories of Events to Audit: data
                          Log Format: json
                 Log File Size Limit: 100MB
        Log Rotation Schedule: Month: -
  Log Rotation Schedule: Day of Week: -
          Log Rotation Schedule: Day: -
         Log Rotation Schedule: Hour: -
       Log Rotation Schedule: Minute: -
                  Rotation Schedules: -
            Log Files Rotation Limit: 0
                  Log Retention Time: 0s
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