ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Configure security styles on qtrees

You configure the qtree volume security style to determine the type of permissions used for data on qtrees.

  1. Perform one of the following actions:

    If the qtree…​ Use the command…​

    Does not exist yet

    volume qtree create and include the -security-style parameter to specify the security style.

    Already exists

    volume qtree modify and include the -security-style parameter to specify the security style.

    The possible options for the qtree security style are unix, ntfs, or mixed.

    If you do not specify a security style when creating a qtree, the default security style is mixed.

    For more information about the volume qtree create or volume qtree modify commands, see Logical storage management.

  2. To display the configuration, including the security style of the qtree you created, enter the following command: volume qtree show -qtree qtree_name -instance

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