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Automatic takeover commands

Automatic takeover is enabled by default on all supported ETERNUS HX, ETERNUS AX, and ASA platforms. You might need to change the default behavior and control when automatic takeovers occur when the partner node reboots, panics, or halts.

If you want takeover to occur automatically when the partner node…​

Use this command…​

Reboots or halts

storage failover modify ‑node nodename ‑onreboot true


storage failover modify ‑node nodename ‑onpanic true

Enable email notification if the takeover capability is disabled

To receive prompt notification if the takeover capability becomes disabled, you should configure your system to enable automatic email notification for the “takeover impossible” EMS messages:

  • ha.takeoverImpVersion

  • ha.takeoverImpLowMem

  • ha.takeoverImpDegraded

  • ha.takeoverImpUnsync

  • ha.takeoverImpIC

  • ha.takeoverImpHotShelf

  • ha.takeoverImpNotDef

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