ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Manage inline data compaction for ETERNUS AX/AC series

You can control inline data compaction on ETERNUS AX/AC series at the volume level using the volume efficiency modify command. Data compaction is enabled by default for all volumes on ETERNUS AX/AC series.

What you’ll need

Data compaction requires that the volume space guarantee be set to none. This is the default for ETERNUS AX/AC series.

The default space guarantee on non-ETERNUS AX data protection volumes is set to none.

  1. To verify the space guarantee setting for the volume:

    volume show -vserver vserver_name -volume volume_name –fields space-guarantee

  2. To enable data compaction:

    volume efficiency modify -vserver vserver_name -volume volume_name -data-compaction true

  3. To disable data compaction:

    volume efficiency modify -vserver vserver_name -volume volume_name -data-compaction false

  4. To display data compaction status:

    volume efficiency show -instance


cluster1::> volume efficiency modify -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 -data-compaction true cluster1::> volume efficiency modify -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 -data-compaction false

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