ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

View efficiency operations and status

You can view whether deduplication or data compression is enabled on a volume. You can also view the status, state, type of compression, and progress of the efficiency operations on a volume by using the volume efficiency show command.

View efficiency status

  1. View the status of an efficiency operation on a volume: volume efficiency show

    The following command displays the status of an efficiency operation on volume VolA that is assigned the adaptive compression type:

    volume efficiency show -instance -vserver vs1 -volume VolA

    If the efficiency operation is enabled on volume VolA and the operation is idle, then you can see the following in the system output:

    cluster1::> volume efficiency show -vserver vs1 -volume VolA
      Vserver Name: vs1
       Volume Name: VolA
       Volume Path: /vol/VolA
             State: Enabled
            Status: Idle
          Progress: Idle for 00:03:20

Determine if volumes contain sequentially packed data

You can display a list of volumes that have sequential packing enabled, for instance, when you need to revert to an ONTAP release earlier than 9.13.1. You must be in advanced privilege mode to use this command.

  1. Set the privilege level: set -privilege advanced

  2. List volumes that have sequential packing enabled: 'volume efficiency show -extended-auto-adaptive-compression true'

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