ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Disable deduplication on a volume

You can disable postprocess deduplication and inline deduplication independently on a volume.

What you’ll need

Stop any volume efficiency operation that is currently active on the volume: volume efficiency stop

About this task

If you have enabled data compression on the volume, running the volume efficiency off command disables data compression.

  • Use the volume efficiency off command to disable both postprocess deduplication and inline deduplication.

    The following command disable both postprocess deduplication and inline deduplication on volume VolA:

    volume efficiency off -vserver vs1 -volume VolA

  • Use the volume efficiency modify command with the -policy option set to inline only to disable postprocess deduplication, but inline deduplication remains enabled.

    The following command disables postprocess deduplication, but inline deduplication remains enabled on volume VolA:

    volume efficiency modify -vserver vs1 -volume VolA -policy inline-only

  • Use the volume efficiency modify command with the -inline-deduplication option set to false to disable inline deduplication only.

    The following command disables only inline deduplication on volume VolA:

    volume efficiency modify -vserver vs1 -volume VolA -inline-deduplication false

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