ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

SnapMirror licensing overview

Licensing has been simplified for replicating between ONTAP instances. In ONTAP 9 releases, the SnapMirror license supports both vault and mirror relationships. You can use a SnapMirror license to support ONTAP replication for both backup and disaster recovery use cases.

While SnapVault licenses continue to function and are supported 9.x releases, the SnapMirror license can be used in place of a SnapVault license and can be used for both mirror and vault configurations.

For ONTAP asynchronous replication, a single unified replication engine is used to configure extended data protection mode (XDP) policies, where the SnapMirror license can be configured for a mirror policy, a vault policy, or a mirror-vault policy. A SnapMirror license is required on both the source and destination clusters. A SnapVault license is not required if a SnapMirror license is already installed. The SnapMirror asynchronous perpetual license is included in the ONTAP One software suite that’s installed on new ETERNUS AX and ETERNUS HX Series.

Data protection configuration limits are determined using several factors, including your ONTAP version, hardware platform, and the licenses installed.

SnapMirror Synchronous license

SnapMirror Synchronous relationships are supported. You require the following licenses for creating a SnapMirror Synchronous relationship:

  • The SnapMirror Synchronous license is required on both the source cluster and the destination cluster.

    The SnapMirror Synchronous license is part of the ONTAP One license suite.

  • The SnapMirror license is required on both the source cluster and the destination cluster.

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