ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Verify networking and storage status for MetroCluster configurations after an ONTAP upgrade

After you upgrade an ONTAP cluster in a MetroCluster configuration, you should verify the status of the LIFs, aggregates, and volumes for each cluster.

  1. Verify the LIF status:

    network interface show

    In normal operation, LIFs for source SVMs must have an admin status of up and be located on their home nodes. LIFs for destination SVMs are not required to be up or located on their home nodes. In switchover, all LIFs have an admin status of up, but they do not need to be located on their home nodes.

    cluster1::> network interface show
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                             up/up       cluster1-01
                                                                       e2a     true
                             up/up       cluster1-01
                                                                       e2b     true
                clus_mgmt    up/up    cluster1-01
                                                                       e3a     true
                             up/up    cluster1-01
                                                                       e3c     true
    27 entries were displayed.
  2. Verify the state of the aggregates:

    storage aggregate show -state !online

    This command displays any aggregates that are not online. In normal operation, all aggregates located at the local site must be online. However, if the MetroCluster configuration is in switchover, root aggregates at the disaster recovery site are permitted to be offline.

    This example shows a cluster in normal operation:

    cluster1::> storage aggregate show -state !online
    There are no entries matching your query.

    This example shows a cluster in switchover, in which the root aggregates at the disaster recovery site are offline:

    cluster1::> storage aggregate show -state !online
    Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
    --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
                    0B        0B    0% offline      0 cluster2-01      raid_dp,
                    0B        0B    0% offline      0 cluster2-02      raid_dp,
    2 entries were displayed.
  3. Verify the state of the volumes:

    volume show -state !online

    This command displays any volumes that are not online.

    If the MetroCluster configuration is in normal operation (it is not in switchover state), the output should show all volumes owned by the cluster’s secondary SVMs (those with the SVM name appended with "-mc").

    Those volumes come online only in the event of a switchover.

    This example shows a cluster in normal operation, in which the volumes at the disaster recovery site are not online.

    cluster1::> volume show -state !online
      (volume show)
    Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
    --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
    vs2-mc    vol1         aggr1_b1     -          RW            -          -     -
    vs2-mc    root_vs2     aggr0_b1     -          RW            -          -     -
    vs2-mc    vol2         aggr1_b1     -          RW            -          -     -
    vs2-mc    vol3         aggr1_b1     -          RW            -          -     -
    vs2-mc    vol4         aggr1_b1     -          RW            -          -     -
    5 entries were displayed.
  4. Verify that there are no inconsistent volumes:

    volume show -is-inconsistent true
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