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SNMP traps

SNMP traps capture system monitoring information that is sent as an asynchronous notification from the SNMP agent to the SNMP manager.

There are three types of SNMP traps: standard, built-in, and user-defined. User-defined traps are not supported in ONTAP.

A trap can be used to check periodically for operational thresholds or failures that are defined in the MIB. If a threshold is reached or a failure is detected, the SNMP agent sends a message (trap) to the traphosts alerting them of the event.

ONTAP supports SNMPv1 traps and, staring in ONTAP 9.7, SNMPv3 traps. ONTAP does not support SNMPv2c traps and INFORMs.

Standard SNMP traps

These traps are defined in RFC 1215. There are five standard SNMP traps that are supported by ONTAP: coldStart, warmStart, linkDown, linkUp, and authenticationFailure.

The authenticationFailure trap is disabled by default. You must use the system snmp authtrap command to enable the trap. For more informatin, see the man pages ONTAP 9.14.1 commands.

Built-in SNMP traps

Built-in traps are predefined in ONTAP and are automatically sent to the network management stations on the traphost list if an event occurs. These traps, such as diskFailedShutdown, cpuTooBusy, and volumeNearlyFull, are defined in the custom MIB.

Each built-in trap is identified by a unique trap code.

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