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Potential connectivity issues involving the scan-mandatory option

You can use the vserver vscan connection-status show commands to view information about Vscan server connections that you might find helpful in troubleshooting connectivity issues.

By default, the scan-mandatory option for on-access scanning denies file access when a Vscan server connection is not available for scanning. Although this option offers important safety features, it can lead to problems in a few situations.

  • Before enabling client access, you must ensure that at least one Vscan server is connected to an SVM on each node that has a LIF. If you need to connect servers to SVMs after enabling client access, you must turn off the scan-mandatory option on the SVM to ensure that file access is not denied because a Vscan server connection is not available. You can turn the option back on after the server has been connected.

  • If a target LIF hosts all the Vscan server connections for an SVM, the connection between the server and the SVM will be lost if the LIF is migrated. To ensure that file access is not denied because a Vscan server connection is not available, you must turn off the scan-mandatory option before migrating the LIF. You can turn the option back on after the LIF has been migrated.

Each SVM should have at least two Vscan servers assigned to it. It is a best practice to connect Vscan servers to the storage system over a different network from the one used for client access.

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