ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Use adaptive QoS policy groups

You can use an adaptive QoS policy group to automatically scale a throughput ceiling or floor to volume size, maintaining the ratio of IOPS to TBs|GBs as the size of the volume changes. That is a significant advantage when you are managing hundreds or thousands of workloads in a large deployment.

Before you begin
  • You must be running ONTAP 9.7 or later. Adaptive QoS policy groups are available beginning with ONTAP 9.7.

  • You must be a cluster administrator to create a policy group.

About this task

A storage object can be a member of an adaptive policy group or a non-adaptive policy group, but not both. The SVM of the storage object and the policy must be the same. The storage object must be online.

Adaptive QoS policy groups are always non-shared: the defined throughput ceiling or floor applies to each member workload individually.

The ratio of throughput limits to storage object size is determined by the interaction of the following fields:

  • expected-iops is the minimum expected IOPS per allocated TB|GB.

    expected-iops is guaranteed on ETERNUS AX/AC series only. expected-iops is guaranteed for FabricPool only if the tiering policy is set to "none" and no blocks are in the cloud. expected-iops is guaranteed for volumes that are not in a SnapMirror Synchronous relationship.

  • peak-iops is the maximum possible IOPS per allocated or used TB|GB.

  • expected-iops-allocation specifies whether allocated space (the default) or used space is used for expected-iops.

    expected-iops-allocation is available in ONTAP 9.7 and later.

  • peak-iops-allocation specifies whether allocated space or used space (the default) is used for peak-iops.

  • absolute-min-iops is the absolute minimum number of IOPS. You can use this field with very small storage objects. It overrides both peak-iops and/or expected-iops when absolute-min-iops is greater than the calculated expected-iops.

    For example, if you set expected-iops to 1,000 IOPS/TB, and the volume size is less than 1 GB, the calculated expected-iops will be a fractional IOP. The calculated peak-iops will be an even smaller fraction. You can avoid this by setting absolute-min-iops to a realistic value.

  • block-size specifies the application I/O block size. The default is 32K. Valid values are 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, ANY. ANY means that the block size is not enforced.

Three default adaptive QoS policy groups are available, as shown in the following table. You can apply these policy groups directly to a volume.

Default policy group

Expected IOPS/TB


Absolute Min IOPS













You cannot assign a storage object to a policy group if its containing object or its child objects belong to a policy group. The following table lists the restrictions.

If you assign the…​ Then you cannot assign…​

SVM to a policy group

Any storage objects contained by the SVM to a policy group

Volume to a policy group

The volume’s containing SVM or any child LUNs to a policy group

LUN to a policy group

The LUN’s containing volume or SVM to a policy group

File to a policy group

The file’s containing volume or SVM to a policy group

  1. Create an adaptive QoS policy group:

    qos adaptive-policy-group create -policy group policy_group -vserver SVM -expected-iops number_of_iops/TB|GB -peak-iops number_of_iops/TB|GB -expected-iops-allocation-space|used-space -peak-iops-allocation allocated-space|used-space -absolute-min-iops number_of_iops -block-size 8K|16K|32K|64K|ANY

    For complete command syntax, see the man page.

    -expected-iops-allocation and -block-size is available in ONTAP 9.7 and later.

    The following command creates adaptive QoS policy group adpg-app1 with -expected-iops set to 300 IOPS/TB, -peak-iops set to 1,000 IOPS/TB, -peak-iops-allocation set to used-space, and -absolute-min-iops set to 50 IOPS:

    cluster1::> qos adaptive-policy-group create -policy group adpg-app1 -vserver vs2 -expected-iops 300iops/tb -peak-iops 1000iops/TB -peak-iops-allocation used-space -absolute-min-iops 50iops
  2. Apply an adaptive QoS policy group to a volume:

    volume create -vserver SVM -volume volume -aggregate aggregate -size number_of TB|GB -qos-adaptive-policy-group policy_group

    For complete command syntax, see the man pages.

    The following command applies adaptive QoS policy group adpg-app1 to volume app1:

    cluster1::> volume create -vserver vs1 -volume app1 -aggregate aggr1 -size 2TB -qos-adaptive-policy-group adpg-app1

    The following commands apply the default adaptive QoS policy group extreme to the new volume app4 and to the existing volume app5. The throughput ceiling defined for the policy group applies to volumes app4 and app5 individually:

    cluster1::> volume create -vserver vs4 -volume app4 -aggregate aggr4 -size 2TB -qos-adaptive-policy-group extreme
    cluster1::> volume modify -vserver vs5 -volume app5 -qos-adaptive-policy-group extreme
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