ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Configure a LIF

You must identify a LIF that will be used for establishing a data connection and control connection between the node and the backup application. After identifying the LIF, you must verify that firewall and failover policies are set for the LIF.

Beginning with ONTAP 9.10.1, firewall policies are deprecated and wholly replaced with LIF service policies. For more information, see Configure firewall policies for LIFs.
  1. Identify the intercluster LIF hosted on the nodes by using the network interface show command with the -role parameter.

    cluster1::> network interface show -role intercluster
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
    cluster1    IC1        up/up      cluster1-1    e0a     true
    cluster1    IC2        up/up      cluster1-2    e0b     true
  2. Ensure that the firewall policy is enabled for NDMP on the intercluster LIFs:

    1. Verify that the firewall policy is enabled for NDMP by using the system services firewall policy show command.

      The following command displays the firewall policy for the intercluster LIF:

      cluster1::> system services firewall policy show -policy intercluster
      Vserver     Policy       Service    Allowed
      -------     ------------ ---------- -------------------
      cluster1    intercluster dns        -
                               http       -
                               https      -
                               **ndmp, ::/0**
                               ndmps      -
                               ntp        -
                               rsh        -
                               ssh        -
                               telnet     -
      9 entries were displayed.
    2. If the firewall policy is not enabled, enable the firewall policy by using the system services firewall policy modify command with the -service parameter.

      The following command enables firewall policy for the intercluster LIF:

      cluster1::> system services firewall policy modify -vserver cluster1 -policy intercluster -service ndmp
  3. Ensure that the failover policy is set appropriately for the intercluster LIFs:

    1. Verify that the failover policy for the intercluster LIFs is set to local-only by using the network interface show -failover command.

      cluster1::> network interface show -failover
                  Logical          Home              Failover     Failover
      Vserver     Interface        Node:Port         Policy       Group
      --------    ---------------  ----------------- ------------ --------
      cluster1    **IC1               cluster1-1:e0a    local-only   Default**
                                                          Failover Targets:
                  **IC2               cluster1-2:e0b    local-only   Default**
                                                          Failover Targets:
      cluster1-1  cluster1-1_mgmt1 cluster1-1:e0m    local-only    Default
                                                          Failover Targets:
    2. If the failover policy is not set appropriately, modify the failover policy by using the network interface modify command with the -failover-policy parameter.

      cluster1::> network interface modify -vserver cluster1 -lif IC1 -failover-policy local-only

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Configure a LIF

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