ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Modify local user accounts

You can modify a local user account if you want to change an existing user’s full name or description, and if you want to enable or disable the user account. You can also rename a local user account if the user’s name is compromised or if a name change is needed for administrative purposes.

If you want to…​ Enter the command…​

Modify the local user’s full name

vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user modify -vserver vserver_name -user-name user_name ‑full-name text If the full name contains a space, then it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

Modify the local user’s description

vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user modify -vserver vserver_name -user-name user_name ‑description text If the description contains a space, then it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

Enable or disable the local user account

vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user modify -vserver vserver_name -user-name user_name -is-account-disabled {true|false}

Rename the local user account

vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user rename -vserver vserver_name -user-name user_name -new-user-name new_user_name When renaming a local user, the new user name must remain associated with the same CIFS server as the old user name.


The following example renames the local user “CIFS_SERVER\sue” to “CIFS_SERVER\sue_new” on storage virtual machine (SVM, formerly known as Vserver) vs1:

cluster1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-user rename -user-name CIFS_SERVER\sue -new-user-name CIFS_SERVER\sue_new -vserver vs1
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