ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Display information about failover groups

You can view information about failover groups, including the list of nodes and ports in each failover group, whether failover is enabled or disabled, and the type of failover policy that is being applied to each LIF.

  1. Display the target ports for each failover group by using the network interface failover-groups show command.

    The following command displays information about all failover groups on a two-node cluster:

    network interface failover-groups show
    Vserver        Group          Targets
    -------------- -------------- ---------------------------------
                                  cluster1-01:e0a, cluster1-01:e0b,
                                  cluster1-02:e0a, cluster1-02:e0b
                                  cluster1-01:e0c, cluster1-01:e0d,
                                  cluster1-01:e0e, cluster1-02:e0c,
                                  cluster1-02:e0d, cluster1-02:e0e
  2. Display the target ports and broadcast domain for a specific failover group by using the network interface failover-groups show command.

    The following command displays detailed information about failover group data12 for SVM vs4:

    network interface failover-groups show -vserver vs4 -failover-group data12
           Vserver Name: vs4
    Failover Group Name: data12
       Failover Targets: cluster1-01:e0f, cluster1-01:e0g, cluster1-02:e0f,
       Broadcast Domain: Default
  3. Display the failover settings used by all LIFs by using the network interface show command.

    The following command displays the failover policy and failover group that is being used by each LIF:

    network interface show -vserver * -lif * -fields failover-group,failover-policy
    vserver   lif                 failover-policy        failover-group
    --------  ------------------  ---------------------  --------------
    Cluster   cluster1-01_clus_1  local-only             Cluster
    Cluster   cluster1-01_clus_2  local-only             Cluster
    Cluster   cluster1-02_clus_1  local-only             Cluster
    Cluster   cluster1-02_clus_2  local-only             Cluster
    cluster1  cluster_mgmt        broadcast-domain-wide  Default
    cluster1  cluster1-01_mgmt1   local-only             Default
    cluster1  cluster1-02_mgmt1   local-only             Default
    vs1       data1               disabled               Default
    vs3       data2               system-defined         group2
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