ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Convert 40GbE NIC ports into multiple 10GbE ports for 10GbE connectivity

You can convert the X1144A-R6 and the X91440A-R6 40GbE Network Interface Cards (NICs) to support four 10GbE ports.

If you are connecting a hardware platform that supports one of these NICs to a cluster that supports 10GbE cluster interconnect and customer data connections, the NIC must be converted to provide the necessary 10GbE connections.

Before you begin

You must be using a supported breakout cable.

On the X1144A-R6 NIC, only port A can be converted to support the four 10GbE connections. Once port A is converted, port e is not available for use.
  1. Enter maintenance mode.

  2. Convert the NIC from 40GbE support to 10GbE support.

    nicadmin convert –m [40G | 10G] [port-name]
  3. After using the convert command, halt the node.

  4. Install or change the cable.

  5. Depending on the hardware model, use the SP (Service Processor) or BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) to power-cycle the node for the conversion to take effect.

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